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It's curious, the way creationists go after the Theory of Evolution.

Let's set aside how well-supported the Theory is and suppose, for the sake of argument, that it's wrong. That still doesn't establish anyone's god. All it does is leave us one theory short.

But back to reality. I probably don't have to tell most in this crowd that the Theory of Evolution is one of the best supported theories in the history of science.

I have yet to encounter one creationist who understands the Theory of Evolution. Certainly they exist, but the ones I have met argue against a straw man, a caricature, and have no interest in being disabused of their misconceptions. That's what happens when the goal isn't to let data lead to a reasonable conclusion, but to defend a cherished conclusion from data.

TheBeardStays 4 June 29

Enjoy being online again!

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Hey, its just a theory, right?! lol


I think the best way to reconcile the combined evidence of archeology, genetics, biology, geology, with religious dogma is to interpret creationism as the point where mankind became aware of God. Even the Bible begins with “God moved upon the face if the Earth”. People recognized these manifestations, but became aware of what they were dealing with only during the Bronze Age. The book, “Civilizing Climate” integrates all if these.


When I discuss this with a religion pusher I’ll refer to it as ‘the fact of evolution,’ because it obviously is. If they insist it’s ‘only a theory,’ I remind them, so is gravity - then ask if they’d like to defy that 😉

Varn Level 8 June 30, 2019

I've encountered these types of people as well, and it has become quite obvious they have an altered state of perception. A set of fixed beliefs in which their willing to deny reality to believe. This is just their preferred delusion and that's their prerogative, but for me personally I followed the truth no matter where it may take me. And the truth is what the facts are.


Creationists have zero data... they are criminal theocrats winning the war in school textbooks and school board elections.....we win the war in courts or popular opinions nationally....Evolution is a fact. Observed change over time. Species evolve by mutating and adapting. My 26 toed cat is living proof of evolution. Her mutation is DOMINANT and is passed on to all her polydactyl kittens. GFYS creationists @ Bryan College Dayton TN RHEA County Courthouse

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