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Christianity is just emotion manipulation of hurting and vulnerable people.

Everyone that gets saved is going through something traumatic in their life. They have decided that their current waynis not working so they give church a chance.

Instead of offering advice and support, the Pastor and church tell them they are a sinner and that if they don’t accept Jesus then they will be eternally damned to hell. If they don’t do it right now then god may kill them on the way home. I compare it to a used car salesman approach.

This is why I like other books like the Tao Te Ching . They offer advice without condemnation instead of threatening , scaring and manipulating you into it.

I remember when I got saved. The pastor scared me to death about hell and I sure didn’t want to go. It wasn’t about Jesus it was about not getting tortured in hell. What kind of crap is that. I have now realized that I self hypnotized myself into believing and of course if I believed I was going to hell when I realized I was saved that I would feel much better.

abyers1970 7 June 30

Enjoy being online again!

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Yes unfortunately it is so, most religions give you all these negative stuff to burden your life with. Tao Te Ching is the complete opposite.


I grew up an Episcopalian. We are a pretty easygoing bunch. Sort of like the Muslim sect that lives in Oman. As long as you don’t hurt anyone or try to force your beliefs on others it’s all cool. Even though I am No longer a Christian I still embrace the core beliefs...treat others the way you would want to be treated, be good, and share love. I have found, however, that the intolerance of nonbelievers is just as ugly as that of believers.

People need to find their own peace, follow their own path. If it happens to be through Jesus, then so be it. If the person who believes is a good person, doesn’t judge those who are different, and is accepting of others, then why condemn him?

I was raised Southern Baptist and they are not easy going at all. It's either our way or the Highway to Hell

@abyers1970 I’m surrounded by them. I agree with you. If you are different the nicest thing they do is bless your heart.

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