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Did we elect Ivanka when I was asleep, or something? She goes everywhere (okay, fine, no quibble with that) but she tries to be: a businessperson (stretch); spokesperson for WORKING WOMEN (oh, please); a financier; a senior member of her father's admin (that she is, yep); and now, a diplomat. I'm predicting, despite all her demurrals, that sooner rather than later, we'll see her running for office in a major way to continue the dynasty. Because of all the Trumpsters, she's the only one who seems to have any actual ability (to not shoot herself down on Twitter).. I still think she's as self-driven as the rest of the clan and only in the game to benefit the Trumps/Kushners. But I'm cynical that way.(Tiffany and Baron are unknowns. I gotta say that at this point I just feel that Barron has very little chance as a human, unless he escapes as an adult then receives MASSIVE amounts of reparative therapy. Can imagine growing up in that household? Poor kid!)

BookDeath 8 July 1

Enjoy being online again!

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Daddy is grooming her to be America's 'First Princess'. But she will be lucky to open up a cupcake shop, when all of this is over with!


It is sad even if she has ability, education, talent, whatever because she is always going to be seen as connected at the hip with her father and that family...two corrupt families merging...

She doesn't seem to mind, though...she does not work hard at extricating herself from her inherited "legacy"...we have all known children who did the hard work of separating themselves from horrid family histories...she is not one of them...


No shit they view themselves as privileged

bobwjr Level 10 July 1, 2019

I don't think she's any better than her father.

In fact, the thing that makes her only slightly better is that she probably doesn't fantasize all day about the two of them having seX.

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