For the life of me i don't understand how in this day and age there are still, Flat Earthers, moon landing deniers, Evolution deniers, and more of that sort of thing.
I've seen quite of vids from people debunking all kinds of wacky beliefs. But this one I though was great, he goes into depth shooting down all of the things that flerfers say. And I find it odd that all of them say the same thing, no matter how many times it's been de-bunked.
you might not think it, but I've met a few flerfers, moon landing deniers here on this site. Apparently they are everywhere.
People just believe what they want to.
I kind of get what you mean. But I don't think the term "believe" is apt in a lot of people.
I rather like the word "accept". I accept that from all evidence gathered, so and such is true, or at least to the best of our understanding.
Unfortunately, there are too many, that as you say "believe", with out questioning. I think another word for that is willful ignorance.
I have no problem with not understanding something, in my self, or others, But to willfully ignore empirical evidence, because, feelings. I am just saddened that there are way too many like that.