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Omg said my conservative neighbor, did you realize Nancy Pelosi was 3 rd in line to be President. Yes indeed i replied did you realize we had a toddler for president?

How to win friends and influence people 101

Bigwavedave 8 July 4

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As he openly discusses destroying the press;
removing term limits; insulates his finances;
caught in 3,000 + lies; created an" emergency"
;best friends with every dictator known to
man;puts children in cages OR loses them once removed from parents;wants the inviorment pilliaged PERMANATELY; is was
are a FISCAL neophite(who only knows how
to navigate the bankrupcy system)-gave corporations a permanent tax holiday(me
and u 3yrs.)<<>>oopps ,i must go (im building
his throne)<>💤


Invest in flash cards , use pictures only. Don't over stimulate. Finish all interactions by raising the flag and saying pledge. The pause as they try to remember the words will allow you to get away.


The whole scene described is disturbing.


Love it. 😉


So he missed 4th grade?

I think that's where they sent him to military school...

@Bigwavedave Officers are still pretty well educated still, aren't they? (Well not the Air Force, that's a Jesus cult now.)
Home schooled?

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