Omg said my conservative neighbor, did you realize Nancy Pelosi was 3 rd in line to be President. Yes indeed i replied did you realize we had a toddler for president?
How to win friends and influence people 101
As he openly discusses destroying the press;
removing term limits; insulates his finances;
caught in 3,000 + lies; created an" emergency"
;best friends with every dictator known to
man;puts children in cages OR loses them once removed from parents;wants the inviorment pilliaged PERMANATELY; is was
are a FISCAL neophite(who only knows how
to navigate the bankrupcy system)-gave corporations a permanent tax holiday(me
and u 3yrs.)<<>>oopps ,i must go (im building
his throne)<>
So he missed 4th grade?
I think that's where they sent him to military school...
@Bigwavedave Officers are still pretty well educated still, aren't they? (Well not the Air Force, that's a Jesus cult now.)
Home schooled?