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I am vacationing on the the Big Island of Hawaii for the next few days. Any members that live there and can give me advice on what to definitely do while I am there, or maybe want to meet for a drink send me a message.

ShermanK 6 July 5

Enjoy being online again!

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Wrong island for me to be able to give you any advice, but keep an eye on the weather and surging surf with the remnants of what used to be Hurricane Barbara heading your way this weekend. You might get some wind and rain, if it doesn't weaken further. Have a great time!


Take loads of pictures. Smell all the flowers. Enjoy the hell out of your time there. Go see the black beaches.

I plan to.

@ShermanK aloha. I was born on Oahu.


Oh, Hawaii would be nice right now. Where I am it is now winter and I am not that fond of it.

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