I made a new group called "Smart Ways To Save Money & Life Hacks". If there is a similar group, I'll delete this one and join the other. Feel free to join.
Not to be a wet blanket, but you can only hack computers, cell phones or similar. "Life" is not susceptible to hacking.
I disagree. Brushing your teeth in the shower is a life hack if you do it while you are waiting for your conditioner to soak in... one more necessity done and at least two minutes of saved time per day. That's a life hack.
@Kafirah You got the idea! On the same token of saving time in the bath, I was working long hours. I'd fill my tub half way the night before. Then fill it up with warm water in the morn. While it was filling, I'd sap fry something for breakfast. Get the coffee going. Get clothes ready the night before. You would be surprised how much time this will save. If you are running late, take the food with you. Get to work early, and eat it in the break room until you clock in. Better to be early than late.
@TheGreatShadow I've always lined up stuff the night before - I'm not a morning person. lol
Also bringing your own coffee from home - cost saver.
@Kafirah Warm water? Again, yech....
It's worth 2 minutes a day to brush my teeth my way.
Anyway, my main objection is to the terminology. Call it "time saving". "Life hack" is not a thing that exists. That makes life sound like a computer program. Life is more complex than a computer program.
@Paul4747 Unless it isn't...
"Smart Ways To Save Money & Life Hacks"
I need hacks! I'll be there.
Great! This is mostly for people that are on a budget, or someone that just wants to save money!