I'm going to ask a taboo question. Do you believe In ghosts? If so tell me your reason, if not tell me your reason.
I do only because I've had experiences that couldn't be explained. I'm not one to scare easily or jump straight to "ITS A GHOST"!! I think it's fascinating to know that something is happening that science hasn't explained yet. What do you think.
I believe only bc of my personal experiences (dreams, visions, seeing & hearing things that come true). When I was younger I would tell people and when tgings came true people got mad at me so I learned to keep it to myself!! Plus I never scared easily even now bc I can tell when someone is around. Now as an adult, I learned and explored this “6th Sense” is what I call it. I have a hard time talking about it even to my boyfriend bc people don’t understand.
As for the science part of it, it’s more of an energy release or something that “hangs around” even if that person pasted many years ago. I think science will one day prove this bc our technology is getting better. I don’t think of it as ghosts, more of an energy, left over of that person. Makes me wonder if our minds are more powerful than some to still cause an effect on others that are alive....
I'm of the "I just don't know" variety, just like I don't know if there are other inhabited planets. When I was about 5 or 6 I had a woman walk out of the wall of the house we lived in. She walked out of the wall, across the hall, and through the other wall. She was wearing a long dress, with a bustle, in the style of the 1800's with a hat that had fruit/flowers like some of the styles from the same period. A child's imagination? A ghost? I don't know. But I'm 60 now and I can still see her as plain as I did back then.
Did this phenomena happen when you were falling asleep/waking up? If so, there could be a very good explanation for this. Sleep paralysis is a sleep disorder in which you are fully awake but unable to move and may experience delusions and hallucinations that seem very real. This can happen for a variety of reasons, sometimes just stress. This used to happen to me often as a young child which I chalk up to stress and anxiety. It also happened to me once as an adult and I found out that it was a side effect of a medication I was taking. Usually there is an explanation for these experiences.
I don't believe in ghosts, but i did entertain the possibility fo ra while due to experiences i had.
My experience was feeling like I was pinned down and unable tomove. I hve since learned that this is not uncommon. It is called sleep paralysis. it occurs in the stae in between sleep and wakefulness. For soem people in that state they can also dream and see and/or hear things (which aren't really there) with their eyes open. It seems liek you are awke, but your body is still partially asleep, and you conscious mind and dream world are both active at the same time.
Anyway, i had this a lot when I was a child, but less than half a dozen times in adulthood.
it can be scary when it is hapening, especially if you dont' understand what is happening, as it feels liek you are beign attackeed bu soem unseen entity. I think forms of sleep paralysis are responsible for the idea fo demon attacks. Once I also had a auditory hallucination with it. Teh voice told me it didnt' liek the show I had playign on the radio next to my bed..
Anyway, until I lerned about sleep paralysis and the sumptoms I was open minded about ghosts, but as those are the only experiences i had whihc were questionable to me, and they have been logically explained as likely beign somethign else, I dotn' really think ghosts exist.
If I ever had other experiences unrelated to the above, i might re-evaluate. I jus tdont' think it is likely.
The "spirits" with whom I've had encounters have been pets, cats, to be exact. There have been two such encounters, one in bright sunshine and one at night after going to bed. One was while I was alone, one with my husband, who shared the perceptions. So do I believe in ghosts? Best I can say is, I will continue to keep an open mind.
I do not, no. In fact, I believe in nothing supernatural. All things within this universe must abide by the natural laws of this universe. "Energy," or consciousness, if you will, cannot exist in a coherent state independently of something to contain it.
There are a lot of things out there that humans struggle to explain, but that does not mean they cannot be explained. It simply means we haven't learned enough about the phenomenon or the laws of the universe (or both) to be able to explain it. Everything DOES have an explanation and, in the end, that explanation must conform to the laws of nature.
So I don't necessarily doubt that people are experiencing something, or at least believe they are. I just don't buy into the whole notion that it's the spirit of a dead person, or whatever else people try to use to explain such things.
We'll figure it out someday, probably, and I'm pretty sure we'll find that it's due to some process internal to the observer's brain. That's not to say "it's all in your head" as if you're crazy, or something like that. I'm only saying it's not a ghost in the sense of being someone's disembodied consciousness.
Evidence. Always these people want evidence. That's the easy way out! Life is not a court trial, a criminal case. A scientific theory. Life is the universe. Do you need evidence to know the universe exists? Ghosts and spirits are there as much as you are there. But of course, these people don't have any evidence that they themselves are there!!
My answer isn't that ghosts definately don't exist, its more that any evidence that I have been presented with has failed to stand up to any scrutiny. This doesn't mean I am unsure, as I am equally unsure about the idea of the flying spaghetti monster. The point is, is that it is about asking the question, how do we find out what is most likely to be true? You can lean towards personal experience, or you can lean towards science (testable, falsyfiable unbiassed method). All sorts of scientific evidence suggests that what we experience, and what we think we experience are 2 very different things. In an age of well over half a century of cameras and all sorts of technology, we have not found anything like evidence for the life beyond life. Not only that but it seems to violate the laws of physics. Professor Brian Cox mentions this on his lecture about the Large Hadron Collider, and the what we know about the nature of our universe.
No one can, or should tell you what is true and what isn't. All I will say is that if you care about this subject, you can either care about the truth, or care about what you want the truth to be
Out of curiosity I once ventured into a very well-attended Spititualist meeting and, as they had advertised the presence of a 'Special Guest', I took a seat near the front. The 'Special Guest', hereafter referred to as SG, asked everyone to stand up and announced he was going to ask everyone a series of questions that only required a "Yes" or "No" answer; if one's answer was "Yes" then one should remain standing but, if "No" then one should sit down. He asked that everyone be absolutely honest. Once the excited chatter of anticipation had subsided, he delivered the first question... "Have you ever seen a ghost?" Half the audience sat down.
"Have you ever had a conversation with a ghost?" Half of those standing sat down.
"Have you ever touched a ghost?" Three quarters of those still standing sat down.
"Have you ever kissed a ghost?" Only five persons remained standing.
"Have you ever had sex with a ghost?" Just one person, a man, remained standing at the back of the room.
The SG called to him but, as the man indicated he could not hear the message, the SG beckoned him to come forward onto the stage. Once in position the SG, not quite managing to conceal his incredulity, turned to the man and said "So, tell us all, what was it like to have sex with a ghost?" to which the man replied,
"Oh, sorry, I thought you said goat."
This story is just that - a story: a work of fiction. Just thought that some might find it appropriately amusing...or was there not a ghost of a chance of that being the case? Anyway, keep your spirits up, folks.
I,m afraid I cannot bring myself to believe abything supernatural.There isnt a great deal of evidence is there ? Hearsay doesnt count for much either .I find it very similar to GOD dunnit. .
I have had experiances I can't explain but I can't say it was a ghost.
I don't, but I have read that the sensation that some people experience and explain as ghosts
is related to some stimuli the brain experiences that alter the way people percieve the universe.
Interestingly, there may be a gene that allows some poeple to experience "god," while others lack the gene.
The brain is certainly complicated and worhty of further study. Although, maybe not by this administration.
Quite often the cause of an event is hidden, for me that does not mean it is caused by a departed person, spirit entity, or animus.
I have been working at a "haunted hotel" for three years now on the night shift and everything seems in the realm of explainable without supernatural.
I have been so tired as to start dreaming while away once or twice. Also started to fall a couple times, awoke when I hit the counter.
I don't believe in ghosts. I think when we die, thats it. anything beyond that is an attempt to add meaning to our life. its like believing flowers are immortal . Once we bloom and wither, we are stardust.
I have an interesting theory on ghosts
Let me first explain what happened that made me come up with this theory.
In early 2005, I was going through chemo and kept dreaming about the house I grew up in. I joked with my mother that I kept dreaming about it so much I wouldn’t be surprised if I was haunting it.
About a month later, a friend called and asked if my old house was haunted because the woman that was living there was hearing noises and had even called the cops about it.
So, I don’t think they are dead people, I think they’re people dreaming of the place and their energy is traveling there, or something like that. Might even be out of body experience. My son and I came up with a theory using quantum mechanics.
And maybe you don’t need to be attached to the place. So maybe even if you hear a story about a place being haunted and then dream about it, you’re actually haunting the place.
"Couldn't be explained"??? No such thing. I get the impression that you jump from "I don't have an explanation for it" to "it can't be explained" to "It's a GHOST."
Myself, I don't believe in ghosts because there is no evidence for such a thing.
I believe that our energy hangs around and some people can pick up on it. I've had experiences that I can't explain...objects moving on their own, loud and persistant sounds, sudden scents that come and go, and other events. I have never seen a shape or anything like that, though my son mentioned a shadowy old guy in the townhouse we rented when he was a kid.
Why not?
Einstein showed that all matter is a form of energy, so since energy can neither be created nor destroyed, we have always existed and will always exist in some energy form. No reason to think energy beings don't exist, and quantum physics already proves that multiple dimensions exist.
There could be reincarnation, for that matter. "For us believing physicists, the distinction between past, present and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion." -Einstein.
re: Reincarnation. As women we have the dna of our children set in our ovaries before birth. Kind of freaky. To think that my girl 1/2 existed 35 years before her birth blows my mind.