Tara McDowell, Black female businesswoman, who knows Donald Trump well from The Apprentic,e related an incident on MSNBC at 2:30 PM where as a 13 year old teenager she was physically attacked by beer bottles and cut, by white guys in a car yelling "Go back to Africa where you belong." Hate promoted by racism. Just wha t Donald Trump is pushing in his racist tweets vs. the 4 Democratic minority congresswomen. He is asking for violence in the streets. Impeach and impeach now! He is inciting violence!
How can anybody not understand that his base will eat this up?
Impeachment proceedings could backfire.
Also, although not stated in this article, in the historical cases of impeachment, of Nixon and Clinton, the process improved each president's approval rating.
I hope for impeachment to keep him from holding future office.
He will not be happy until one of them is attacked. Then he will say he had nothing to do with it, deny having made the Tweets, while yelling at his rallies how the "bitch deserved it!" This man is on the lunatic fringe or humanity and his GOP handlers have lost all control but are too fearful of his base to stand up and do the right thing!
I get that during election campaigns pretty much anything goes but this is beyond the pale. Ate there ANY gop members condemning these tweets?
And it did not escape me that trump did exactly what racists do - stands up for Pelosi ( a white woman who bitch slapped him 6 ways from Sunday) by trashing Congresswomen of color. To racists the lowest, dumbest, most ignorant white fool (NONE of this applies to Pelosi) is better than a person of color. Sadly white people buy into this bull shit and that's the problem.
All of my representatives are democrats but anyone on this site who has a gop representative needs to call and demand trump be censored.