Will a $15 minimum wage kill jobs and hurt the poor?
From experience in the UK I can tell you it does not.
After it was introduced in the UK life became better and the economy thrived, when the minimum wage was revoked for a short time in the 1980 it had to be reintroduced as people refused to be exploited and business suffered.
The whole "kill jobs and hurt the poor" thing is basically a ransom from the wealthy.
From what I've heard about Seattle (min wage has been $15 for awhile), businesses are doing fine, and no one is fleeing to other areas with a lower minimum wage. I'm not sure what will happen when it's time for the next increase.
Would a massive tax break,benefiting already rich people do so?☹
If you look at the history of when the $7.25 minimum wages went into effect, it was probably a living wage. I am sure you would find that businesses then were sobbing about how they were going to go out of business, couldn't afford employees (never that they would have to cut a couple of thousand dollars off their generous paychecks). The problem is not the amount they are seeking now, it's that it wasn't indexed (like congress's salaries, Social Security and taxes) to the rate of inflation and got way behind, to the great joy of employers everywhere.
We are in for a lot of turmoil and frustration in years to come. An increase in the minimum wage will make it so those who get it can better pay their bills, until prices go up and the advancement is voided. Jobs where it is not profitable to pay these wages probably need to review why they are doing what they are in the manner they are doing it. Capitalism in tghe form it is in now has to change or we are going to go back to serfdom, where the rich own everything even the people who are lucky enough to be working for them, or they will not be owned and just used until another takes their place. In either way people are expendable. Will we put up with this?