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Why the GOP leaders chose silence when confronted Trump's racism?

sassygirl3869 9 July 16

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Because they are cowards. When Turtle was asked if his wife should be sent back to China he replied she has been here since she was eight. Big fucking deal! Three of the four women tRump told to 'go back' were born in this country.

Calling them cowards is way too nice.

@Rob1948 True,but seems that's what most are afraid of. Crossing the orange turd 😟

@freeofgod The reason does not matter. The fact of the matter is that they have chosen to accept his racism and disregard for the Constitution, the Congress and the Supreme Court, equality of our citizens, etc. it is a willful choice and a willful disregard for the laws and basis of our form of government. Call them what they are: traitors.


America must now face itself: tRumpthuglicans have clearly sided with racism. They own the label of their own making. Now, we as a people, as a nation must decide; do we return these people to power and confirm that the United States is a racist country? If so, the Statue of Liberty must be covered up and closed to a society that now longer values what it represents.

powerful post Dan.


All those who follow the idiot are as racist as he is. If the idiot is committing treason then so are his followers.


Without Trump’s rabid base the GOP knows their chance of winning an election in every state where the literacy rate is over 50% gets real slim. For a lesson in how fanatics take over a government, just look to the Middle East; Iran, Afghanistan, Egypt and others. The Taliban could not exist without the fear and cooperation of non radical citizens. The theocratic leaders of Iran could not exist without the fear of non radical Muslims. Yet in all these countries the average person just wants to be left alone, to survive. The true Christians in our country have the same fear of their radical fundamentalists or “dominionists” Chris Hedges calls them. And moderate Republicans would rather sit quietly while Trump takes their Party into hell than risk being labeled a Liberal by the rabid minority.

Thoughtful response thanks @Barnie2years

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