Ok, I just saw a car driving around the mall parking lot with confederate flags waving from both front windows. I really might have to leave Texas now. I’m supposed to be in the blue-ist area of Texas. But is anywhere sane anymore? Trump has given a scary amount of confidence to the ugly underbelly of this country
Those who still support Trump are locked in. They're righteous. They're convinced. They're arrogant. They're threatening.
They're also severely undereducated, and unintelligent...they didn't do well in school, and/or dropped out early.
They've had unplanned kids...and will continue to do so.
They drive on the left as slow as they want to.
We all know a few folk like this...they're quite often the #Religulous of America, as well.
...and they will be a potent voting force in 2020. If we don't get the vote out...and end up with a candidate that a large bunch of us aren't happy with.....
We could suffer the effect; 4 more years of DJT.
All i can suggest is; they won't die out. They won't go away. They will fight and cheat to support Trump; even if it means wearing "We support Russia before Democrats" T shirts.
Be aware they exist...and in large numbers.
I'm in NYC.. I don't see anything like that....we didn't vote for that creep...
I’m jealous
I was at a public campground in Sisters, OR this summer and three bus-sized RVs set up in a group, each with a full-sized flag pole. The yahoos proudly displayed the flags of the USA, Coors beer, and the Confederacy. Way to make your camping neighbors feel unsafe, assholes.
Its getting ugly as the election season progresses.