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ROKU on a Smart TV advice? Anyone here have this or other streaming system that would share info with me. I'm getting a new Smart TV and would appreciate any info or advice. Thanks!

NoPlanetB 8 July 16

Enjoy being online again!

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My Roku works great.


I have a Roku and it works just fine. I have it hard wired to my network and connected to the 40' antenna outside, I have a flash drive with movies I watch on occasion and connected my laptop to watch DVD movies. I have also used it with a Steam box to stream games from my PC in the other room. Has a lot of choices of channels for viewing but I have only used with my Amazon Prime membership for paid content.

@NoPlanetB I should add that Roku is just the operating system of the TV, the brand is TCL. The specs on the TV included ports for all the connections. I researched for at least a couple of weeks checking different TV's out, reading reviews both paid and by consumers, and compared to similar sized TV's from other manufacturers.


I have roku and it provides all the content I need. At differemt times I will buy other content such as hbo when GOT was on.I tried sling tv and found it restricted and frustrating. Currently I use netflix and a digital antenna. It works for me😄

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