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Why no response from Trump? Racism again? []

ToolGuy 9 July 17

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Trump is only trying to get along with the current regime as it is a better choice than Morsi who was elected. Unfortunately democracy doesn’t seem to work in Islamic countries as the elected often attempt to impose Sharia law like Morsi did which is very oppressive.

Hmmmm.... She goes to a country known for this sort of thing thinking nothing will happen to her? REALLY??  Even if we think she did nothing wrong, according to her family (no surprise there), is Egypt not it's own country with the right to their own judicial system that we should respect just as they should respect ours if they come here to the US? She's been arrested for all of a week. What exactly did you expect Trump to do in a week? He did get some folks out of there in 2017, but you obviously don't consider that when screaming 'racist'.. They talked about others that have been in prison there sense 2013.... Was Obama being racist his last 4 damn years not doing a thing about it?? OH WAIT... IT WAS OBUMER... HE COULD DO NO WRONG!!  And hell, it's just so convenient to use this as a chance to do the ole RACIST dance you folks suffering from TDS love to do when you can...  

Do they look Anglo-Saxon to you?


When I worked in the middle east, decades ago, I was briefed, and repeatedly warned by both my employer, and the government, to obey the laws of the country I was working in. To go to that part of the world, with the background and history of "activism" this lady has, was irresponsible. What did she expect was going to happen?


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