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How Useless is Nancy Pelosi?

I swear this woman is on Trump's payroll. She will do nothing to hold him accountable. If you choose Option 4, please explain.


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Sgt_Spanky 8 July 17

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First, this is silly, Pelosi is doing what she thinks needs to be done to get Trump out of office. If the House impeached Trump and the Senate exonerates him he will claim victory, Trump can still be re-elected. The prize is getting him out of office, that is the only goal. Mitch too. Giving them a victory is useless. What matter we impeach him if he stays in office? This is what Pelosi is thinking. You can disagree with her all you want, I do. I think the nation is ready for the challenge. That being said the woman is smart, I've met her, and if she leads us to victory in 2020 then I'm fine with all of it.

Trump is completely out of control and wipes his ass with the Constitution daily but the Rs won't turn on him so let's just sit back and let him,run unhousebroken while the country keeps going deeper into the shitter? That's your position -- we can't win so let's do nothing at all? I'm going to go ahead and disagree with that. Regardless of the uncertainty we should still do whatever we can to bring down this criminal president while he's in office and after. Oversight is part of their job description. Pelosi 's a corporatist and lacks the qualities of a leader.

@Sgt_Spanky what's the difference between doing nothing and losing everything? Is that what you are saying? Explain to me the path to victory if we lose in the Senate with impeachment.

@clarkatticus What makes you think we'd lose everything? What makes you think they'll win everything? During an impreachment he can be dragged through the mud on the world stage while we take a stand against a rogue preseident. The majority of this country hates him, I'm sure we could pick up a few more converts along the way. Bottom line is in the face of such rampant corruption we're not just sitting on our hands whining we can't win so let's do nothing.

His moron base will follow him off a cliff but I don't foresee an impeachment showcasing all his corruption resulting in a groundswell of new support and a pathway to certain victory for a criminal president as you seem to suggest. I think it'll even drive a few more voters away.

@Sgt_Spanky apparently you don't watch TV, read newspapers, or go on social media. All his crimes, idiocy, inane comments, hate speech and bizarre behavior is reported daily. Do you think trotting him out on stage in front of cameras will make it better? What if the witness' decided not to show, who's gonna go get them, Barr? So start a proceeding that nobody goes to, how's that going to look?

@clarkatticus And it needs to keep being reported, over and over. Trump relies on repetition of the same message to sway opinion in his favor, we can do likewise. Are you good with allowing a criminal president's lies, corruption, and endless crimes go unanswered? If you're so concerned with appearances then holding him accountable looks a lot better than letting him continue to drag us down while people like you advocate for nothing to be done. Grow a pair and take a stand if you find his administration offensive. Doing nothing is cowardly and leaves us with an even bigger mess to clean up.

@Sgt_Spanky I'm concerned with getting him out of office. Period. Anything else that happens to him is just icing on the cake. The nation cannot bear another 4 years.

@Sgt_Spanky if you think railing on Pelosi will further the nation then that is just what Trump and the Russians want. They actually encourage this argument. Ever wonder where all that anti-Pelosi rant started? That's right, the Russian bots. Next time you see a meme check out the author, bet they have about a 3 month history.

@clarkatticus My disapproval of Pelosi isn;t based on memes nor any influence of any kind other than my own conclusions based on her performance.

@Sgt_Spanky you know, that's funny, because your baseless arguments follow the bot line perfectly

@clarkatticus Interesting thing that. Apparantly the bot messaging is based on something objectively identifiable.

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