When I was a wee lad, I grew a beard. But that was in Michigan, in the middle of winter; and every time I ventured outside, icicles would form in it, and I would actually make a clinking sound when I walked.And if wind blew through, I'd sound like those wind chimes you hang on your porch.Finally, I said beards were n'wa for me, and shaved the darned thing off. I've been beardless since!
I don’t mind a little “designer stubble “unless it’s grey stubble which just makes most men look older than their age, or a very well trimmed little neat beard....but some of the wilder, shaggier ones I just find repellent.
But what's this now; "beard transplants"?
I guess that would be terrific for someone who had an injury to one side of his face and couldn't grow the hair he normally wanted there. But the idea of doing it because you just "want a beard" as it implies in the second column... well, a fool and his money....
I hate long, bushy beards. Repulsive.
I blame ZZ Top for the whole neckbeard thing. Great tunes, though.