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This song just came up on my Amazon Music play list. One of my favorites. I went to an under graduate institution that had a Methodist tilt to its curriculum. I had to take a philosophy of religion class. For my project, I did a multimedia presentation of this song juxtaposed to photos of rich and poor people, and all sorts of well dress people at church. Enjoy

djs64 7 July 19

Enjoy being online again!

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Thanks for sharing. Very thoughtful lyrics.


And don’t forget about this one off of the album Nonsuch by XTC.....


Would have liked to see XTC live, but Andy Partridge apparently had severe stage fright he was never able to overcome and they seldom toured.


as we used to say 40 yrs ago: far out, man..


Excellent lyrics!


Extremely interesting

bobwjr Level 10 July 19, 2019

How well prepped was your religious instructor? My daughter, before transferring, went to a "good" Jesuit college. Anyway, in Freshman religion studies where she said she wasn't an xtion, she needed to explain who the Unitarian Universalist were to the prof. She got an A.

The professor was pretty laid back, he tolerated my lack of belief. I think I earned an A too, I think he was happy that I was engaged.


I didn't know this song. Thanks for this post.

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