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Watching The Mist and of course the scariest part is the unhinged fundamentalist that plays on the fears of the group stranded in the store. A prime example of how the bible thumpers can seize any opportunity to spew their nonsense.

BrentMBA2004 6 July 21

Enjoy being online again!

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A bible thumper might tell you this is totally possible and start quoting Revelation. The good thing about "The Mist" is that it has good people characterization and draws you in so you want to keep watching.


I love that Movie! I'm so happy when..... "Shh!!!". (Yeah don't want to ruin it).

And I'm not going to ruin the ending for you. That movie gives me chills. It's a great view into how "normal folk" behave when things go sideways.

Some shine - some go nuts - some get mean as snakes.

I do love the old people in that movie. And the store clerk who knows how to shoot.

Now Marcia Gay Harden's character? I want to stick soap in her mouth? lol (And I never want to do that).

Yes. I bought the DVD and it blew me away in the theatre. There will always be a portion of society that will acquiesce their freedom as soon as pressure arises. Now, these were extraordinary circumstances, but fear is huge motivator. And plus, sacrifice is a long human tradition. Talking about sacrifice I watched Midsommar and WHEW talk about paying the price for being a bad boyfriend!

@BrentMBA2004 I'll have to watch it.

It was so hot here over the weekend - I'm now sourcing things to watch as a health resource. 😎 🔥

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