All of nature, indeed the entire universe is nothing but a gigantic super computer. Everything that happens in life, from quantum physics to our emotions, is controlled by a binary code (on or off) switch, which governs the expression of life and anything made up of matter. This computer is super smart, and it cannot be fooled or cajoled into giving any result that is not 100 percent true.
I'm a cause and effect with a dash of chaos theory kinda guy.. giving you only 99.99999999% certainty.
Determinism for you then. No point arguing a point or caring about an outcome because the machine is in motion, the outcome set and nothing can stop it. Enjoy!
What you say is true, but there is not need to be fatalistic since we are allowed to have constant input into the computer. We cannot change the rules, but we can affect the outcome by our thoughts, words and actions.
@DavidNoel Sounds like life, regardless of a computer or not. The computer metaphor complicates a simple process.
I'm not sure if you're using a metaphor, or talking about an actual computer. If you're using a metaphor, I can kind of see what you mean, if you're not, then I'd have to disagree. Now that I come to think of it, I'd have to disagree with anyone who tells me what all of nature and the entire universe is. We can't know that much.
Of course what I am saying is a metaphor.