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How do you feel about the DOJ telling Bob Mueller what he can and cannot say ahead of tomorrow's hearing? Does this strike anyone as being an authoritarian/dictatorial tactic of restricted speech or is it just me?

At what point do the so-called "patriots" of the conservative right start railing against the attacks on democracy that are so much a part of this administration and the R party's misguided efforts to protect a rogue president?

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Sgt_Spanky 8 July 23

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Just hiding their crimes jail all of them

bobwjr Level 10 July 23, 2019

All he has to do is state what is in the report that most have not read. Just to read it aloud will be eye-opening. Will it be enough for people to change their opinions or to bolster the opinions of those who already know what it says? Probably not...

Mueller is smart...he will not reveal anything confidential since some of the report contains information on ongoing investigations or about people who should not be exposed to public scrutiny, the innocent victims or the about to be investigated. But, I also think what he doesn't say will speak just as loudly to those who are present. Silence can be just as persuasive as loud protests...

Barr is making things look worse by his interference...he knows Mueller well enough to know that no such warnings are necessary as the credentials and experience of Mueller are still impeccable in comparison to anyone left in the administration.

Tomorrow is going to be an interesting day.

@Sgt_Spanky I will be watching to see if the questions are intelligent and carefully thought will be interesting to see if tempers flair at Mueller's cool demeanor and ability to stay on will frustrating for those who want him to just say the obvious...


Mueller is no longer an employee of the DoJ.
He is now a private citizen, and he CAN answer nearly any question he's asked.
He cannot answer some questions. He already knows what he can and cannot talk about. He's A LOT smarter than most of the people who will be questioning him The DoJ doesn't get to obstruct by interfering.

But WILL he? He failed to take a stand on Trump once, he could again.

@Sgt_Spanky It was just announced that he wants one of his assistants sworn in, so he can answer questions, too.
I have no clue what either of them will say.
I have hopes though.

@KKGator I will try too as well.


He is a private citizen, so it is bullshit. That said, Mueller won't say much more than he already has as he, unlike tRump, is the consumate professional. With a little luck, maybe these asses will piss him off enough so as to let loose what he really thinks and speculated w/o enough evidence sadly.


I want to fast forward 20-30 years from now and watch the full unedited version of what this administration continues to hide and the unredacted report - we may not learn the whole truth this week ... but time has a way of working the truth out!

I hope our nation’s on stable enough footing 20-30 years from now to allow for the customary tell-all documentaries. And, that I’ll be alive to watch them, too ~


The whole Trump Crime Family is a non-stop assault on our First Amendment rights!

This administration, indeed the entire conservative GOP, is an assault on Democracy, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the rule of law, human rights and dignity.


Of course it's obstruction. Even if we start impeachment the witnesses will not show. We will have to vote the bastards out then prosecute all of them.

Trump has made defying the order of law a common response and one that seems to come without consequence. Hell, if there's no consequences, why not just flip off any subpeonas or congressional demands? Democrats have got to grow a pair and stop being so non-threatening.

@Sgt_Spanky The Democrats have several subpoenas out there, they are fighting in court but probably won't see any results until next year. The idea is not to let him off the hook, starting impeachment is a senseless exercise in futility. Vote the prick out, convict him and change the laws to allow the president to be indicted in office.


I’ve always thought Congressional testimony was mandatory - for the sake of the nation! ...though I’m still waiting for the weak-kneed House leadership to send out the Sergeant of Arms to jail those having recently refused to even show up. To me - it’s the (fuckin) difference between the (Fem) Democrats - and the Republicans. The Republicans play hardball..

An addition … “Femocrats” - have I said it first..?
OK - apparently not.. “Women that vote for a female candidate I.E. Hillary Clinton, regardless of platform or position, just because she is female. Also Femecrat, Femacrat, Femicrat are ...” The sad fact is, though ...such behavior has taken me there 😟

Varn Level 8 July 23, 2019

@CommonHuman I’ve wondered if I over-estimate humanity…

What brought me to the term Femocrat is the direction I’ve witnessed my party consistently headed for decades. The reason I used it was to illustrate where a less than combative attitude gets you.. With a party no doubt consisting of a majority of women (my state requires no party registration - so nobody knows), I’ve noticed a consistent unwillingness to beat the Republicans at hardball politics.

Nurturers by nature, perhaps our system wasn’t designed for women having ‘the vote?’ It likely included duels, back-stabbing, smoke filled rooms … the kind of politics the Republicans never gave up.. So, though Democrats now run The House, are they capable of standing up to the Senate or Administration in deeds as well as proclamations..? Apparently not ~

@CommonHuman must be me, as nothing’s beyond my control 😉

You’re talking voters; I’m talking elected politicians.

So, when Mitch and his Senate buddies chuck long-standing rules and ignore protocol ..and get away with it, the Dems whine...

Perhaps worse, Dems also embrace the political correctness crap to the point of incapacitation, with many a circular firing squad.

So when/ if the Dems take back the Senate … will they play hard, or soft ball? I say soft … as that’s become ‘their nature.’

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