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The hypocrisy of the Republicans is almost unbelievable to me.

Every time there's a Democrat in the White House, Republican politicians and their talking heads rake him over the coals, call him every name in the book and several that aren't in the book, actually accused the last two of murder and treason; yet they call themselves "patriots" and claim they're defending America by being the loyal opposition.

But whenever a Republican sits in the Oval Office, they demand unquestioning fealty to their least whims, and failing this, they say that the Democrats "hate America".

How exactly did the rules of this game come about, anyway? Who decided that Republicans are the only ones who get to criticize the Executive without hating America?

I think it's the Republicans who hate America.

They hate America as it is now; America where people are all colors and creeds and come from all over the world. The America they love is the one where everybody was pale pink (and those who weren't stood in the background and didn't make any fuss), and everybody's grandparents came from the same few countries in western Europe (or if they didn't, we ignored them and kept them out of our country clubs and boardrooms).

They hate my America..

Paul4747 8 July 25

Enjoy being online again!

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Disgusting party politics at any price

bobwjr Level 10 July 25, 2019

Vote Republicans out of office!


Dems are stuck on stupid when it comes to "going high".

True. Being wimpy instead of tough gets you nowhere when you are fighting people who are ruthless and have no scruples. And it also looks bad to voters when you claim to be on their side more than the Repubs, but don't appear to be willing and tough enough to fight for them against the Repubs. So the voters on the fence either vote for the side that seems tougher or sit out the election. Everyone wants to vote for a tough champion of their cause and a winner, otherwise, they don't get enthused about a candidate.

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