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Just had a knock-down drag-out with Bob Barker!!
Man!! It was epic!!
He TRIED to run! I chased him down!
Then, IT WAS ON!!
I wrestled him with EVERY last bit of strength I had.....every last ounce of deceit and treachery I could muster!
He was twisting, turning! He was kicking and scratching!
And, BOY, can he SCRATCH!!
Slowly, I dragged him to his doom. Every inch was gained at a price paid for by my blood and sweat!
As his impending death sentence got closer, he got more desperate! My back and leg muscles were SCREAMING in protest of the Herculean effort, I was exerting!
Finally........finally....we reached the end of the road.
I got him in the shower!
He gave up, knowing he was doomed. He lowered his head and accepted his fate.
He got lathered up, while I sang to him, He got rinsed off, dried off, and given a Munchie bone!
He got to go outside and run in the sunshine.
Now, clean, and sated.........he naps!
And me.......I need an aspirin!
And a smaller dog...

StrongBow 6 July 27

Enjoy being online again!

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i think bob barker is still alive, if he's the one i'm thinking of. but your dog could definitely outwrestle him.

@StrongBow OMG! These are Puntastic!


It takes three of us to give my 80 lb. pitbull a bath outside. Oddly enough, once she starts getting soaped up, she settles right down and only tries to break free once in awhile as we soap and rinse her.

Mine was a rescue too. Never in a million years did I think I would own a pitbull but it was either me or the pound so......Our nickname for her is barky butt. She is not shy about alerting people walking by that she wants them to come to the fence and pet her. I have to keep her indoors most of the day. She is one of those dogs that wants to be right up against you or laying on the floor next to my bed. I tell people that if some idiot wanted to do a home invasion then (Excuse the saying since it is an site) "May god have mercy on their soul". I saw a posting on facebook of the same thing. Idiot broke into a house, ran after the little old lady, she ran into bedroom and closed the door, the idiot opened the door, agent of doom emerged (about 60 lb. pitbull), idiot realizes that this was not a place to stay, idiot becomes dogfood. My puppydog knows who gives her a bath, feeds her, plays with her, and rubs her belly. Fun stuff.


You look tired,,,,,Oh, sorry, that's your dog..........

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