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What gives your life meaning? Why keep going? (just curious)

Jinx5555555 6 July 27

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My son gave my life meaning. My ex-wife cut him out of my life turned him against me and I’ve hardly seen him in four years. It’s been hard for years now, I don’t want to go on. There is very little meaning in life.

djs64 Level 7 July 28, 2019

I only have one child (a son), and his mother turned him against me also. For strength, I recite the Golden Rule from Dianetics (L. Ron Hubbard), which states - Be able to experience anything; cause only those things which others can experience easily.

@djs64 & @DavidNoel

I feel for you two, as I am going through what you've described with my three children.. & have been for the past three years. Peep my commentary within this thread & if you think I could avail you gentlemen (an ear to listen, a perspective to contribute), gimme a buzz.

i can kind of identify with the way you feel. my daughter cut me out of her life. i'm sure her mother (1st wife) had a lot to do with blaming me for everthing that went wrong in her life (my daughter). haven't seen my grandaughters for 14 yrs. the eldest graduated HS this year.

@callmedubious I am so sorry to hear it. There is so little humility in the world compared to the spitefulness - it isn't hard to cooperate for the betterment of the children.

@callmedubious, @nyrdybyrd thank you for your reply and offer. Maybe one day I will take you up on it. I filed a civil contempt suit against my ex for her efforts to keep my son from me. I was awarded 50:50 custody, but through her actions, she kept him from me and kept him out of counseling.

@djs64 A determined woman will stop at nothing, and they will act in the most cut throat ways.

@nyrdybyrd Thanks for the message, who are you?


@DavidNoel ,
found that out from my 1st wife.


Nothing. Nothing gives my life meaning... I'm 57 years old, and have multiple health issues, including a condition similar to PTSD. This condition forces me to avoid places where there might be crowds of people, so even family reunions, etc., are often skipped. I work at a job where I'm alone most of the time (third shift), which pays about a third of my estimated earning potential. I'm divorced (23 years ago) and never had kids. I'm on heavy dosages of anti-depressnats and anti-anxiety medications, but I contemplate suicide on a daily basis. I've failed the attempt twice. [Few things scream 'loser' louder than taking 32 prescription sleeping pills, then waking up the next morning with just a headache]. And yet, through all of this, I still haven't fallen into a depression so deep that I would contemplate turning to a 'god' for guidance.

twitch Level 7 July 28, 2019

Keep on keepin' on there man. Life is a fucking struggle but you never know

I, à la @BookDeath, offer my understanding, as an outlet, should you need/so desire.

i think some of us have a quality of life level which we will not sink below. i'm pretty close but still enjoy some small pleasures in this life. golf is one of them which i still enjoy. even though i have to play on one leg now i still makes pars & the occasional birdie.
i suppose i'm an epicurean.

Be careful of the medications, I am 71 and have acute PTSD as will as other conditions, and the best thing that I ever did was to get off of medicine made from petrochemicals. Why would a society that is intent on stealing all we have give us something to make us feel better, they are going to give us something that ultimately kill us.


2004 I became divorced from my 2nd wife. For the first time in 30 years I had no one for whom I was important. Had always had a wife, a child, or a wife & child. Suddenly no one. It was a shock that took a couple years to work through.
I guess the outlook I decided on was ongoing hope. That there was someone out there for whom I could be important, for whom I could change/improve their life.
I made changes in my overall lifestyle, stayed out here, and feel satisfied that I have impacted many others positively.
Guess I'll stick around...


Currently, I'm taking cancer treatment and sometimes want to die. It's very isolating. But I still have items on my bucket list. I don't know if I'm going to make it or not but I keep going. It's a challenge to see if I can recover from this and start over again. Honestly, my family would be better off without me. I've become a burden. Today was the first time I had been out of the house for months, except to go to the clinic or hospital. I won't be doing that again for the next twenty weeks of intense chemotherapy treatment. Life is just experience. Savor every day. It's definitely not what I planned but it is what it is. A one shot deal.

I take care of my parents. My mom was diagnosed with Parkinson's almost 10 years ago, and dad has diabetes, heart failure, and PTSD from Vietnam. Dad was unable to care for mom after her diagnosis, so I took a teaching position closer to home and moved in with them. Since then, there have been several complex health crises that they never would have gotten through without me. (Her meds alone are now too complex for either of them. I arrange them every day into cups with time labels and a med beeper for reminders when I'm not home.)

It can be a burden, but it is also the greatest thing I have ever done in my life (or probably will do at this point).

Whenever I get depressed or frustrated about everything I am doing, I remember when I was 3 or 4. We lived in a modest house that had been a dump before they moved in a couple years before I was born, and turned it into a home by sheer effort. I have lots of memories of that house, but the one that always sticks out is one day dad was watching me when mom was at work, made me lunch that wasn't so great (but he tried), and him telling me mom would be home from work soon for lunch. They bought that house because her job at the jeans factory was only a few hundred feet away behind the house, and mom didn't have a driver's license or a car. We would go out to the back alley and wait for her, and soon as I saw her walking home down the middle of that gravel alley I would run to her, she'd kneel down with the biggest smile ever, and we'd hug.

She deserves everything I have given and more. I'm certain your family feels the same way about you.

I share some of your sentiment; say hello if I can be of some service to you. 😊

@greyeyed123 ,
well written. i had a vivid image of your Mom kneeling down to hug you.


I know this isn't my ultimate form.


You give your life meaning. That's how it works. If it was any other way you could claim that "Charlie's life has no meaning."


My two grand girls...though thinking about what little they have to look forward to is depressing as fuck.


My particular life might not have that much meaning but we are all a part of something of staggering proportions and infinite value.


Happiness gives me meaning. And it makes me happy to help others. So, helping others gives my life meaning

Wanna help me pay for college?😀

@sandrarocks83 I'm not in a position now to help others financially. I'm unemployed. But I enjoy doing good deeds for others and sometimes just being polite to them, having a laugh with them, or lifting their spirits as well as I can.

I worked my way through college. Maybe you can do the same. 🙂

@BestWithoutGods well think of me if you win the lotto


Life has the meaning you give it!


For the adventure. For the experience. For the learning and growing...

I accept that my life is meaningless, but I have plenty of purpose. Before I had my daughter and my often surprisingly awesome wife, I lived a pretty bland existence with a partner I really didn't like, but even then I carried on because there was always something new around the corner... Sometimes good, sometimes awful, but always interesting. I suppose I just like living, even when life is crappy.

But now, I have a definite purpose: watching my kid grow into the person she's going to be through her life; giving her the chances she deserves; venturing forward with my partner as she constantly develops too, and for my own part, creating and enjoying seeing my work appreciated.


Why stop? I think of all the smiles and laughs I can bring to others, I don't think about myself.


I was an activist for a while and considering getting back to it. It has giving me a lot of meaning.


i agree with Schopenhauer's pessimistic view of our existence. all of us are subject to a universal will/force which ensures the propagation of our species, although there are some ppl actively trying to destroy ordinary, excess ppl.
i also take some solace from Epicurus & enjoy some of the small pleasures in this life, e.g. craft beer (IPA) & good pizza.

And warm sunshine. In fact craft beer and a pizza while siting in the warm sun, within earshot of the sea. Or is that just too much ?

@Fernapple ,
yeah, that would work. although in the warm sun a lager would go better than IPA. although i'd probably still have the IPA so long as i was under cover & it wasn't too hot.


Learning and discovering new things every day!

i'm trying to understand what i think i already know.


Great question.
If there has to be a meaning to life, it's simply to live. Explore, learn, love and try to do some good in the world.
I've got so many things to live for, I can't count them all. My children. My grand kids. My art. My bunny!!!! The next pair of wildly printed, high dollar pajamas! Fine wine! Good weed! Sunrises and sunsets and everything in between. The world!
My fun job is dealing with people at an amusement park. To see these little kids at the park, innocent and precious in their joy, fills me with joy. And I know that life is beautiful. Peace.


Living gives my life purpose. Caring about people and the condition I leave the Earth gives my life meaning. Leaving my mark on people's lives is more meaningful than any god. All god tried to do is keep people uneducated and controlled, according to his book. Everybody should live their own lives, and make their own choices. Without any devine influence. The world would be alot better place for sure. If you think I'm wrong, don't believe me, read the bible for yourself.


Well, that's it: curiosity. There's always something new to learn or experience. Even if it's something I've already learned or experienced, but presented in a different way.


I love Life.... I had a Good Life.... A BLast!!! What is Not to like? I got two surviving children that rather see me Alive than in a Memory. I still do not have grandchildren and that is enough for me. Plus I had noticed how all animals like me.... that is a Reason enough in My Book, Written By Me, For My Enjoyment. I consider myself worth it of being part of this Mad House we call Life. After all it is Not the Destination... It is the Journey.


Despite a couple of diseases that limit me physically I am still able to render help to certain people via advice and $$.

alon Level 6 July 27, 2019

Family and loved ones

bobwjr Level 10 July 27, 2019

I don't believe that the universe was created intentionally, and neither was I. So, I have no reason to think that my life has meaning, and I am content with the notion that I am here by happenstance, not design. I keep going because it is human nature to do so. I take whatever enjoyment that I can, and I try to live by The Golden Rule (simply because I think it's an equitable way to be).


Time marches ever forward, and I'd like to see what comes next, so it's simpatico.


I'm just here to piss off other people don't know about anybody else. "42"


@Jinx5555555 on a more serious note learning, understanding, seeing the beauty of a cloud or the formation of a flower, witness the awesome power of a thunderstorm over the lake and to learn the actual reason that we park on driveways and drive on parkways.


My family

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