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They are afraid of the war crimes they have committed.

Jolanta 9 July 28

Enjoy being online again!

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It would be interesting to find out how they justified that action.


But of course. Let her first gather all the evidence of war crimes in North Korea, China, Russia and Cuba. Oh my, forgot to mention the African dictatorships.

zesty Level 7 July 28, 2019

You don't seem to understand this at all.

@Jolanta Enlighten me!

@zesty I have noticed with you that is almost impossible. I feel sorry for you that you have a big problem with empathy, unfortunately it makes you a distrustful closed person.

@Jolanta Boring.

@zesty Boring, is that all you can say. I am not surprised. What happened to you to make you this way?

@Jolanta The point is not you or I. In my view foreign prosecutors shouldn't be allowed to function in the US. That's it.

@zesty Oh, yeah but it is ok for the US to be all over the world and put their more than five cents in,

@Jolanta It is a million to one. The countries I mentioned executed hundreds of millions of their own people, civilians, women and children. On the other hand if a US serviceman accidentally executes a terrorist - he goes to prison! One cannot compare these actions.

@zesty accidentally executes a terrorist??? What the f.... Accidentally............. And you never heard of police in the US killing blacks, you never heard of the genocide that was done to the NATIVE INDIANS. How about all the wars around the world that the US is involved in, how about them targeting Venezuela at the moment. You are truly a sorry excuse for a human.

@Jolanta I'm a sorry excuse for a human? Shut the fuck up you stupid bitch! Idiot!

@zesty Proves my point.


If you can't destroy the evidence, kill the prosecutor.

Well, maybe not kill as in dead but do something to stop the gathering of evidence, etc, etc.

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