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The damage done nobody talks about

St-Sinner 9 July 30

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Yeah we are currently a laughing stock of the world

bobwjr Level 10 July 30, 2019

The rest of the world sees America as a terrorist country.

That's what happens when a country starts illegal wars and its citizens put a dictator in power.

Bernie will fix it.

Athena Level 8 July 30, 2019

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson praised Donald Trump, refused to criticize Trump's treatment of the British Ambassador to the U.S. and got elected with an overwhelming vote. Trump supported Boris Johnson right from the start. Trump has caused the rise of the right in many European countries.


If I believed christianity was true, I'd think Trump is the antichrist.


Of course, makes perfect sense. Who would want to partner with that bunch of oddball narcissists apart from UK and Australia. My homeland and my adopted home. I’m embarrassed!


It's probably worse than that, now.


I don't believe Germany is the only country that that is happening in. 😣

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