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Baseball fans? with Trump 2020 banner are escorted out of the Orioles game by poliice. Kudos to the police. There's no politics in baseball lol! (A League of Our Own - no crying in Baseball).

sassygirl3869 9 Aug 2

Enjoy being online again!

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After what the pustule in chief had to say about Baltimore this made me smile. So far the political shit circus has not sullied baseball like we've seen in other sports. I would like to see it kept that way. Hope I/we see this in the coming months.


It would be nice if sports were free of politics. However, the new patriotism which espouses hatred and fascism looks on sports,figures with disdain if they don't ignore the world around them and don't passively go along with the assholes setting loyalty standards - POW's and Veterans who speak out aren't patriots; protesting inhumane conditions isn't patriotic; and so much more.

And, sports figures, just as other people with a voice do have a responsibility to speak up when something they see or experience isn't right.

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