On the comments sections on several articles about the recent two mass shoots in the past day (Texas and Ohio), I've read more than a couple that advocate for the "good guys with guns" and also an alarming number that suggest that EVERYONE start carrying. Some suggested that sane guys with guns (and it's always MALES that they talk about for this, mind you,) set up a militia in every community to respond to this sort of thing. (I comment: Hello, you remember a little thing called THE POLICE? They are TRAINED FOR EXACTLY THIS? Duh!) And as for everyone carrying, IMO, that just adds to the potential for violence and bloodshed. People are on edge, fed up, and already prone to do stupid sh%t. Add a readily available GUN into the equation, and carnage would ensue. So, no. Let's NOT issue everyone their own little cozy fire-arm. Geez.
I truly do no understand the need for assault style weapons. They are for mass killing. Not for hunting, not an antique, they are just used to kill large amounts of humans! So why would anyone want to own one? Unless they want to kill large amounts of people.
The usual reason given that's at least partially logical is "home defense". Which makes some level of sense if you're a veteran and that was the weapon you were trained with and you carried. Familiarity with your home defense weapon, when needed, is a must. Secondary might be participation in National Match rifle competition. There's a "service rifle" category. Hunting with an AR type rifle seems like a poor choice to me. There are lighter weight and more accurate rifles specifically designed for hunting. These are my opinions.... of course.
@bigpawbullets do you think people really feel the need to defend their homes against hordes of attackers? And who do they think is coming to get them?
I'd say fear is generated by our news media and our entertainment industry. As well as our indifference and acceptance of violence as an acceptable reaction to things. It's our "gunfighter mythology".
Having a high capacity home defense weapon isn't based on "30 shots because 30 people are breaking in". I think it's based on familiarity with the weapon and the valid belief the I'll possibly miss with the first shot and that one bullet will probably not stop a determined or drug infused invader. Again, personal opinion.
@bigpawbullets probably so. Seems crazy to me. Home invasion is so rare.
But if you're glued to the news media you'd think it's happening all around you.
@bigpawbullets true, especially Fox news.
Why would anyone want to own one? Tiny-penis-syndrome.
In some interviews in El Paso some admit to having weapons - no one did anything, so where is the argument about good guys with guns?
Good question. But until you're in that situation, you never know how you'll react.
@bigpawbullets I totally agree with you, and that is a major reason I call B.S. to the idea of the armed good guy, and to arming unprepared teachers, etc.
But the odds are better that someone might react, as has happened in other instances, if someone's armed.
Your poll, as all polls, doesn't go far enough.
I used to think that I was fair cross section of a male American. In my youth I was a Boy Scout that had a Marine Corps Major as a Scout Master. It was the most fun time of my life as he opened doors for kids to do things most never would or could. We learned about camping, survival, guns, knives, swimming, building with your hands, camaraderie, trust in your friends, etc. Of course I joined the NRA at 18. I was never a hunter but I love to shoot targets. Then, as time went by, Wayne LaPierre arrived on the scene and I realized that the NRA no longer represented me... They represented themselves and some hard core Republicans... They had gone totally political. This was a HUGE turn off for me. I quit the NRA and never returned.
Yes I am an ardent supporter of the 2nd Amendment. Yes I have more guns than I can currently count. I collect modern and antique guns. I have thousands of rounds of various ammo. I just reloaded some .45 Colt black powder rounds last night! And I plan on buying another rifle later this week. (It is a 100 year old rifle!) My guns usually don't leave my property and all my ammo gets shot safely and responsibly into a hillside on my property.
Here's the thing... We need common sense gun reform. We also need to enforce the rules and laws that currently exist. We need to get rid of the hate and take away the reasons people do stuff like this. Because guess what.... Gun control is not the answer here. Take away the guns and people will go for ways to inflict larger damage. Imagine a homemade mustard gas attack in a NY subway for instance. But how do we as a society go after the crazy people before things like this happen?
Unless the NRA changes their stance... They will eventually go down in flames. As a responsible gun owner I would beg them to re-examine who they are in bed with and come back to represent responsible gun owners and not the political machine. We will only advance if both sides work together here.
Sorry for being a little disjointed here... I'm only on my 2nd cup of coffee!
@BookDeath Believe me... I TOTALLY get it! You sound very much like my sister. She is worried (as am I) about the same thing. The hatred being stoked in America these days. Unfortunately... plan on it getting worse instead of better until Trump is out of office. Even then we will have scabs and scars to heal for a generation after he leaves. He has given every conspiracy nut job reason to take matters into their own hands. That isn't bad enough as he constantly and deliberately stokes their anger to feed his bizarre and deranged mind.
My sister used to joke about me being the gun nut guy who lived in the woods and asked when I was going to mount the rifle in my truck window like all the rednecks do. Now she is 65 and she and her fiancé are building a house near me. She too is worried about all the hatred. She sees, as I do, that a REAL zombie apocalypse could happen... Trump supporters that have been provoked or otherwise feel they have been wronged. We have had several conversations recently where she has actually asked if I had enough ammo. My response is, of course, you never do! But I continue to stock up anyway.
The one thing that does worry me that you mentioned though is the local militia groups. I seriously hope no self-appointed asshole comes on my property trying to tell me what to do. I would think my NO TRESPASSING - NO EXCEPTIONS sign would give me license to dispatch them as I see fit. These militia groups have been around since I was a kid... But as the KKK lost its former luster in the south.... Their numbers had been waning. Now they are picking up steam. It is worrisome!
Rome had Nero... The USA has Donald Trump. Let's just hope it ends similarly!
I grew up in a hunting family, and while I didn't hunt (why the fuck would I get up at 4am?????) I still went through firearms safety class in 6th grade. We were taught to respect guns, that we should consider them loaded even if we triple checked that they weren't, and we were always supervised until we were old enough and responsible enough NOT to be supervised. While I choose not to have a gun, I am completely fine with people who grew up like myself (and it sounds like yourself) having them.
I do not see any need for the assault type rifles but I can understand how some people would enjoy shooting them. In my opinion, I think that licensed gun ranges should be the only places to legally own and house them. If you want to shoot them. Go to a gun range, have fun, and leave it there.
I completely respect that you quit the NRA. Seem almost like a cult that once you join, no one leaves. I will readily admit that I have not done research on the NRA but it sure seems like their goal is to make more and more money for gun manufacturers. I see no reason why there are more guns than people in the United States. Even when you take into account hunters, who need several guns depending upon how many different types of game they shoot and gun collectors like yourself, it's a ridiculous amount.
I don't have any answers and I seriously doubt that anything significant will be done in my lifetime. I really appreciate gun owners like yourself that get it. Obama was president for 8 years and no one came knocking at anyone's door collecting guns. I don't understand the fear that many responsible gun owners have that someone is going to take their guns. Christ, talk about paranoia!
Ok, rant over, sorry!