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MSNBC Live- Just heard Tim Ryan, Representative from Ohio, call for Congress to return and have the Senate vote on banning AK-47s. Many others should call Trump out as well. He is responsible for this with his hateful racist and anti-immigrant rhetoric! Agree/Disagree

sassygirl3869 9 Aug 4

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All of you in the US should call, email and see your member of parliament or the equivalent of it, and demand it. Only if enough of you do it will a change happen.


I live in Dayton Ohio and played in bands in bars for years in Oregon Business District where mass shooting took place THE DAY AFTER EL PASO SHOOTINGS. No hard talk about assault rifle ban on local news... They are saying that Dayton and Oregon District are safe places, businesses there opening back up already 14 hours after shootings... Like in the fucking movie JAWS... what problem???

GOP is deaf, dumb and blind where Fuhrer Trump is concerned!


Knee-jerk reaction to appease the voter base. Banning one type of weapon is a futile gesture.
It will never pass.


I agree, but I also know that, the NRA donated approximately Thirty Million Dollars to his campaign. He's been bought and paid for, just like every other politician in the country. They are bought by Greenpeace, the Sierra Club, big pharma, the NRA....the list go's on and on, we need to take big money out of politics, that's the only way we will get representatives we can count on, to do the right thing for the country.

aGREE with you.


tRump IS an accessory to mass murder. This is not a joke. It is law!

Inciting to violence is a crime far worse than obstruction of justice. He uses dog whistles to get his message across, which are harder to prosecute. What is needed is one of these fanatics to name him specifically in their rankings and manifestos. That would be hard to deny.


I totally agree that Trump holds partial responsibility. However, everyone needs to get used to the idea that absolutely no type of gun reform will ever happen while Trump is in office. A mass shooting per day won't make it happen! the ONLY way to make it happen is common sense voting of people into elective office!

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