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MSNBC Live at 4:36 PM from Trump - MENTAL ILLNESS CAUSED THESE SHOOTINGS - WTF!!!!! Same as Parkland comments. Says 10:00 NEws Conference tomorrow a.m. More bullshit? Lies? Denial of hate crime?

sassygirl3869 9 Aug 4

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I respectfully disagree. It's not bullshit. It's true. tRump's MENTAL ILLNESS CAUSED THESE SHOOTINGS.

Exactly his illness-though he'll never admit it!


Mental illness is common in Trump voters. He suffers from it himself; delusions of grandeur, sociopath, total lack of empathy, never refers to himself in the first person... The list goes on.


Reality: EVERY DAY, 100+ Americans are killed with guns and hundreds more are shot and injured.

50 percent of homicides are committed by BLACK men. NOT whities.

""At least 14,611 Americans were killed by guns last year, excluding most suicides, according to data collected by Gun Violence Archive, a nonprofit that tracks shootings through media and law enforcement reports. That’s a nearly 7 percent drop compared to last year, and the first decline recorded by GVA in its five-year history.""

Hate crime in El Paso can't deny that! Trump's rhetoric in his manifesto!

Lets be clear. Most homicides are intraracial. Meaning 94% of homicides commited by black Americans were against blacks and they made up 52% of the homicides in America. Homicides by whites were 48% and 84% of those homicides were against whites. The smaller percent of homicides by 'others' in cluded everyone non white or black. So the bigger picture is a bit different than just saying blacks commit more homicides than white.
These stats come from a data base that is mained by Uniform Crime Reports and there are fundamental limitations of the UCR system, inaccuracy, manipulation, under reporting, etc.
The fact remains the mass shootings over the past few years have been by white males.

@sassygirl3869 cherry picking facts is so amusing.


The US Homeland is one of the least violent democracies on the planet.

People who shoot others are MENTALLY ILL. They will find reasons. All other explanations are bullshit.


Mental illness? Ya fuckin’ think???? Nobody who opens up on a crowd of unarmed people with an assault rifle is sane.

A hate crime with a manifesto sounding lke a trump rally-can't deny that

@sassygirl3869 No doubt you are less than 6 degrees linked to at least 1000 trump supporters. That makes you responsible.


He's right... Mental illness caused these hate crimes... His!! 🚔


So you think sane people commit hate crimes? 😄


Lies and inaction.

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