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Sherrod Brown asked Trump to call McConnell and the Senate back to enact passed House bills. Gave him bullshit-don't worry they'll do something. WTF Trump this is a national crisis! MSBC 3:27 PM from this am. in Dayton, Ohio.

sassygirl3869 9 Aug 7

Enjoy being online again!

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What is a national crisis? The 100+ gun shootings EVERYDAY FOR YEARS?
The thousands killed in cars every year?

How many REAL national crisis are you talking about?

"What is a national crisis? The 100+ gun shootings EVERYDAY FOR YEARS?"

What's your argument; that because it's ubiquitous it's not a crisis, it's just the way of things? Read what you wrote again. You answered your own question.

We're not discussing cars, we're discussing guns. Try to focus. Our biggest national crisis is the tone deaf refusal by republicans to acknowledge there's even a problem and help us get something done about it. Instead, they waste everyone's time and try to distract with arguments like "What about cars?"

This is about guns, not cars. Guns. No one ever committed mass murder with a Chevy Cavalier.


Doing nothing is doing something. That's what the NRA pays them for.


Nothing will be done. You can count on that. And the tourist business will have another nail in its coffin.


Trump only cares if it's a crisis that benefits him either politically or financially. There's no gain for him in supporting gun control. His base is against it and he takes NRA money. These shootings mean nothing to him.

..... or threatens him, financially or physically.

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