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Several of the pundits on daytime news were legitimately highly critical of Trump for issuing tweets highly partisan and critical of Biden and others while enroute to the two shooting sites today. They said he could not control himself and mixed politics into his supposed reassurance visits.

There is something they do not seem to understand": To Trump, it was not politics but protecting his most fragile ego and trying to act to protect his huge and twisted web of lies, greed, corruption, and treachery.. He knows that if that web ever becomes fully transparent, he is done for.

wordywalt 9 Aug 7

Enjoy being online again!

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I hope even our republican-leaning citizens (here in the USA for you foreign sticklers) realize how ‘we’ve been protected’ from his insanity by the few around him with a semblance of responsibility.. But they’re disappearing. Given a second term … may as well begin digging our graves ~

Varn Level 8 Aug 7, 2019

There must not be a second term. We must make sure of it.

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