19 8

US policeman refused to train female officer because of his faith - was fired and is now suing for religious discrimination.

Another bullshit claim he can't be alone with women cuz gawd! I want to hear from these wives. Do they work? Do they also make the same claim they can't be alone with a man? Where are these wives of these assholes?

This is what we get when we allow religious accommodations. FTS!


NoPlanetB 8 Aug 8

Enjoy being online again!

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Exactly. Religious discrimination all the way.

Trod Level 5 Aug 12, 2019

We hired a physiotherapist who refused to shake women's hands due to his religious beliefs. I didn't attend the interview and was appalled when I'd heard of this.

I immediately considered booking an appointment with him to treat my "pulled gracilis." That's a muscle which starts at the pubic bone.

Spread eagle, "Um.. it really hurts here, especially when I put both feet behind my head... like this."

He was let go not that long afterward. No patients.

If you want to adhere to ancient beliefs, in a modern world, move to Alabama.

Lol way to go honey


Our Vice President!


Training colleagues aside, can he effectively do his job under those constraints?

No he can’t...obviously there may be times that he will have to deal with a woman when he may not have a colleague with him....emergencies happen in his line of work, that is the nature of the job.


My opinion has always been regardless of your religion you have a job to do and you should know the ramifications and conflicts between your job and your religion either through your job or suffer the consequences why don't you understand you can always go home pray about it and ask for forgiveness later...


One of my favorite creations.


The insanity just keeps getting deeper. Give the religious nuts an inch and they ask for a mile (and then perhaps the whole world).


One of my oldest memories is riding around in the back of a Driver's Ed Car. My father taught driver's ed in High School but didn't want to have to be isolated with teen age girls.
So to allow the girls the drive time the course required, I or one of my brothers would ride along as a witness. My father's attitude wasn't caused by religion and he worked a way around his problem.

I only remember one almost incident but it wasn't the student's fault. It was early in the morning on a two-lane road and someone coming towards us heading to work fell asleep and drifted into our lane from behind another car -- leaving us nowhere to go. The student didn't panic and fortunately the other driver woke up and swerved back in time. I guess that's one way to get a no-harm-done lesson that won't be forgotten. Ha, ha.

You're right. Small town machinations I guess. 50-year ago times.


Oh the Billy Graham rule. he can't pull over drivers if they happen to be women and on the road with them alone? Perfect, let that drunk driver at 3AM go home. Oh no, a woman got attacked and left alone for dead? Sorry can't investigate! Either this guy is trying to helps us by showing how absurd this law is, or he is...nuts. He shouldn't be given any job.

I actually hope he wins. Religious people don't realize they are hurting themselves with this BS. Companies can and will alter their hiring practices to not hire people who are high risk. Suddenly, interviews will become "you won't be hired because 'a better candidate' was found".

I wonder if companies can put in contract clauses like you will 'have to lift 50+ pounds, work with the opposite genders alone, serve people of different beliefs and orientations"? And then ask "are there any reasons you can't perform the duties of this position"?

Nice and easy way to get a valid reason not to hire someone.


Sounds like a bad situation for everyone. Their supervisor should be reprimanded for being an idiot. He just cost the tax payers a lot of money on legal fees for no good reason.


If he has so little control of his "base urges", why is he a cop? Heck, how can he even leave his house?

Zster Level 8 Aug 9, 2019

Soon they won’t police and protect atheists.


This asshole and Pence should be brothers.


His problem if he can't control the "lust in his heart".


One of those bullshit lawsuits, ridiculous!


What a douche bag


How do these people have the chutzpah? How would he save a woman or arrest her? It’s like the pharmacist who won’t dispense morning after pills because of religion. Gtfoh!

But Jesus told him not too


It seems like it would interfere with his ability to do his job since they work with the public. Does he need a chaperon when he pulls over a female?

I think they should give him the most boring desk job where he doesn't talk to anyone at all to accommodate and give him all the most mundane paperwork and filing tasks.

MsAl Level 8 Aug 9, 2019

Cops have a very high divorce rate. It is even higher than musicians, l believe.

I'm sure its not all but it seems like a higher than average amount would be the type of person that likes to have power over other people. Im automatically more suspicious of anyone who chooses to have authority over others with s gun and tough guy uniform..

My unwarranted experience with them has proven that to be the case.


@Freespirit64 It is hard to discern given they lumped musicians in with all entertainers and athletes. Thanks for the info.

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