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The herd is already very well developed . . .

Archeus_Lore 7 Aug 9

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It seems that some people are in doubt about who controls the media, and they think it is the right or the left . . . . the right IS the left, they both support war-for-profit, and since when have you noticed a change in that when either side was elected? They are all war profiteers, Israeli stooges, crooks, supporters of Saudis, supporters of police who murder people with impunity, supporters of illegal invasions, coups . . .
"To learn who rules over you, find out who you are not allowed to criticize."---Voltaire
Now think Edward Snowden, Julian Assange . . .
No, people, if only it were that simple, we could throw the bums out, but that is not the case, they are both worse than mafia gangsters, and they are on the same team.


The Fox "News" founder, Roger Ayles, was an admirer of Nazi propagandists.

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