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When Black Panthers Carried Guns, Conservatives Supported Gun Control

chalupacabre 8 Aug 9

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I was alive back then too. The issue of who, as far as racial groups, were allowed to carry guns and own them has always been about who should hold the real power in the society. Nowadays tho, poor whites are deluded enough to think that owning and carrying guns gives them real power in this society when the clear truth is that real power these days in America is about being wealthy, not having guns.


Heard that described a few days ago… I remember that era.. So it worked on ‘blacks,’ but won’t on ‘whites’?

Varn Level 8 Aug 10, 2019

Not really. hley were not willing to give up their own guns.


No shit but not the Nazis they support trump

bobwjr Level 10 Aug 10, 2019

Conservatives is a misnomer, should be hypocrites.

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