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Do you remember your 1st kiss?

Millie 6 Mar 17

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Yes. 3rd grade.


My little brother came careering around the house outside to ask, "Will you be Steve's girlfriend?" Our next-door neighbor, Steve, 11, sent him. At age 10, I was a skinny little thing. Flattered, I replied "yes." My brother ran off to tell Steve.

I liked Steve. We grew up playing together.

In Steve's parent's garage, a gang of little kids surrounded us, shouting: "Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" Embarrassed, I leaned forward and got a quick peck on the lips. It was like kissing a brother. It was just a dare.

A voracious reader, I had read "Wuthering Heights" and was struck by the romantic, deep longing the main characters had for each other. I was just a kid. My first boyfriend was at age 15.


As a child or a teenager at 13 at YMCA Camp-on a bus with the Boy's Camp from a mountain climbing trip with a pimply faced boy named Mike Bloom.


Sloppy and wet, freshman year in high school. Ugh! (Open Arms, Journey, playing in the background.)

Nena Level 6 Mar 17, 2018

You betcha!
Joey Peccarra, under the fire escape on the back side of Roosevelt Elementary.


My first kiss was with my college boyfriend (who I later married), who I'd known since I was eight. I didn't even want to do it then, but had to follow romantic protocall, since we were exclusive.


I was 12. There were tongues. It was disgusting.

Livia Level 6 Mar 17, 2018

Yep. I was 10. I did end up dating the guy all of 6th to 8th grade, but I remember wanting to kiss him, and suddenly my jaw locked up and he had to PRY my teeth apart to French kiss and I remember being so UTTERLY disgusted and in total disbelief that adults enjoyed having someone else's tongue in their mouth.

I'm 27 now and STILL don't like french kissing lol

@LimitedLight no it was an aversion to tongue


No. But there have been other kisses since then that I hope I never forget.

Apparently too many for one reply, 😉

@JimG Well, for someone who adores kissing, that is kind of true. But there's about 3 first kisses with three different men that stand out from the rest.


Yep! No regrets. Lol


Not fondly... I was 12, and my (slightly older) friend, with whom I used to walk home from school, and her boyfriend talked me into kissing another friend one day - and I felt sick for about three days afterwards!

Jnei Level 8 Mar 17, 2018

First kiss (if you don't include a grandmother kissing me on the forehead when I was younger then 5), No. First (other physical encounters) yes.


Yeah.. wasn't..all it was cracked up to be.


No, but I remember my first french kiss, and the excitement of it, and the girls name. That was the only day I knew her. Over 50 years ago. I was 13 or 14.


2nd grade, I can take you to the exact spot. Her name was Christy. We were laying side by side during recess and it just happened.


5th grade, Sheryl tackled me on the play ground and planted one on me. She had been chasing me, actual running involved, everyday at recess for a while. After that one time I would have been much easier to catch, but she had gotten what she wanted and moved on.


Most certainly


I can think of a couple. The first first kiss, I remember who but not much detail. The first kiss with a girl I was "in love" with is a different story. I remember a lot more about that, but not as fondly as I once did.

JimG Level 8 Mar 17, 2018

No. At least I don’t thinks so. My question is, why do so many people value the first of anything that is so common throughout your life. I remember my first sexual experience with another human.


I was 7 years old. A classmate of mine named
Ann Murray were walking together leaving sschool at the end of the school day. Ann motioned for me to come with her and she moved to a secluded spot near the corner of a house. Then she just kissed me. Iwasn't into girls at that age and was shocked and embarrassed -- and hurried home. I didn't walk with Ann after that.


Yes, the summer after 4th grade.


Absolutely. It was bliss...


I do. I was 5 or 6, it was in the gap between class 7 & 8, two corrigated iron outbuildings at my primary school. Her name was Tina Reyes and we were also going to get married. btw we never did lol


No. But there have been other kisses since then that I hope I never forget.


No. But there have been two other kisses since then that I hope I never forget.

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