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I'm new to this group although I've been an atheist for over 50 years. It used to be lonely out there.

I'm also an author of two books and I need critiques before I print them. Is it permissible to send links to the books for those who might be interested?
First one is about relationships and the processes involved in falling in love and unfortunately heartbreak.

The second is about spanking children which I of course don't think is needed. Therefore, I present alternatives for parents.

Both books are on Amazon but I would willingly send interested people word documents if they agreed to make constructive comments.

LarryMickelson 1 Aug 12

Enjoy being online again!

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I do think there are times when spanking children will be the only thing they listen to.

That's why I wrote the book----your thoughts are untrue if a parent is in control, to begin with.

@LarryMickelson What you know all the kids in this world to be able to say that?


Welcome to the forum. I don't think you can show amazon's links. Ask the moderator.

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