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I hate to make generalizations but doesn't it seem like Republicans tend to be selfish and self centered? Once you've satisfied shelter, food, medical and education, why wouldn't you want to help humanity?

rogueflyer 8 Aug 13

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Do nazis like jews?


Having someone who appears beneath them reinforces their illusion of superiority. That’s why the Obama’s continue to drive them nuts..

Varn Level 8 Aug 13, 2019

For me, (Conservative), it's not about not wanting to help others. It's about forcing me to help in ways that I'm against.

I too am conservative fiscally but progressive socially. Most of my Republican friends seem to be pretty stingy when it comes to monetarily helping those less fortunate on their own. Not referring to their government policies. Republicans spend like Democrats nowadays and then give themselves a tax cut.

Sorry, I disagree.


I think we all need to better understand what you mean by "forcing me to help in ways that I'm against."

-You're "forced" to pay taxes.
-you're forced to pay in to Social security.

That makes you "forced" to participate in
-a lot of caring and helping -
-a lot of socialist-style ways of supporting society,
-including educating most people,
-helping the elderly,
-arming our defense systems,
-maintaining our infrastructure.
-supporting immigrants and poor native or otherwise who are still struggling to survive

The classic Conservative strategy is excellent; minimalist government control. Slow and conscientious considerations for new proposals. All good and wise. I, too consider myself a political conservative, but I'm also a social and economic progressive.

It's the new Conservatives, those who are aligned with arrogance, greed, religion, racism, sexism and selfishness that not only saddens and frustrates me....but disappoints me that some good yourselves....align themselves with them.

I don't believe you're a true full conservative.

And I hear/feel/comprehend why you might be against some social services - we've all seen and met abusers of the system from the family that depends on welfare to the jerk down the block who fakes an injury to collect disability.

But I sense that's not really you. I think you threw that out to play devil's advocate.

Perhaps you could elaborate on exactly what you mean when you say you are forced to help in ways that you are against?

As a lifelong socialist, in the true sense of the word not the demonised Americanism that misrepresent the entire ideology, I can think of no part the British socialist society that I could possibly object to without reducing people to commodities with an arbitrary monetary worth.

You're right Rob. The original post seemed to me, to indicate that once I'd covered Mazlow's basic needs... I should surrender the rest of my wealth to charities. Nope. Sorry. Linda & I've worked hard and managed our wealth conservatively to provide us a very nice lifestyle. That's our reward for living a financially prudent lifestyle. I've no problem paying our current level of taxes to support government social programs. I understand their value. Just don't keep saying "give us all your disposable income".
We give to causes we believe in, both in money and our time, beyond our tax obligation. I don't see many others doing that.

@bigpawbullets C'mon, now. I'm in the same situation; struggled to retire in enjoying the fruits...and cheap as I wanna be.

But no one - no one - is suggesting that we " "give us all your disposable income" Sanders, the most radical progressive, only suggests the millionaires should have their taxes raised - a little more - to cover the costs of, as Trump puts it, "making America Great again".

I'm tired of paying absurd health bills. I'm tired of putting away significant amounts for "terminal care insurance". I'm tired of other nations growing in their educational rankings while we slip in to lower brackets. I'm tired of the push to keep fossil fuels alive and well in America while other nations tax the hell out of them...and prioritize - far more than we do - alternative energy.


Let's be conservative with our charity by all means possible. But let's stop the wealthiest Americans from getting far wealthier far faster than us middle class folk. Look at this graph. This is the root cause of wars, population growth, the too-slow change to alternative energy, and the fact that we still can't MAGA.

Nope... I stand by my opinion on this one. I reread the original post. My interpretation is just what you described in your response... a Bernie push to communism. "Let us push the entire population to subsistence level lifestyles".
I'll agree with your comment that overpopulation is a key driver in our current state of emergency.


The GOP is the preferred party of Philistines. Philistines are concerned only with short-term financial gain. Social welfare programs are the antithesis of everything they believe in.

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