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Where would one go to buy good furniture in Godalming?
Some people patronise the Cotswald Co religiously!!
(I wonder how this "reassignment of function" would be received in the US bible belt.)

Petter 9 Aug 13

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Used to be a bar in Denver called the Monastery and the main room was the former chapel.


Glad to see it’s not lying derilect. Eminently more useful now !

We have a pleasant restaurant just outside my home town, called "La Capilla". (The chapel).
It's been there for 30 years. That is a 're-purposed churchlet". The Spanish have become very agnostic over the past half century.

@Petter Glad to hear that they’re throwing off the shackles like the Irish....the younger ones are now quite secular.

@Marionville I see only older people coming out of churches on Sundays. If I get up in time!

@Petter I go to buy the Sunday papers when they are all inside'

@Marionville What! Both of them? 🤣

@Petter. You forget...I live in the Bible Belt here in N.I.

@Marionville Move south, The Catholic church has suffered the greatest declines of attendance in Europe.

@Petter I did mention that already... but it doesn’t affect me one iota what others do on Sundays any way.

@Marionville Except to find a peaceful shopping slot. 🤣

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