Have Atheists forgotten Anita Hill or Dr Christine Blasey Ford ? 2 criminal religionist rapists are sitting on the US Sup Ct reversing JUDGEMENTS against polluters escalating the poisons to our planet and reducing clean up funds from those fines vacated by Thomas & Kavanaugh....a single pubic hair on her CocaCola can was all the physical evidence Professor Hill had and Biden insulted her. Professor Christine did not exaggerate a single detail of attempted murder and attempted rape by a 17 yr old "brewski" Kavanaugh attacking a 15 year old swimmer from their country club in Maryland....telling the truth about penis brandishing perpetrators is no exaggeration upon my part be he a catholic priest or a British member (former?) of our community...I will not post this in Senate where blocked boys can escalate their insensitivity to violated women....what is at stake is global not vaginal.....6 million women die each year denied life saving abortions and/or deadly disease preventing condoms....that is UN WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION data the same WHO suffering Vatican Holy See vetoes of gynecology and condom distribution...I will not embrace pseudo Feminist Atheist boys failed duty to be truthful men by their minimizing brandishments
Impeach Thomas and Kavanaugh for taking bribes from polluters who had cases decided in polluter favors