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Sanders thinks Israel should decline aid if they refuse admission to two members of congress because Trump requested it. []

ToolGuy 9 Aug 16

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It's pretty clear that this was another ploy by Tlaib and Omar to get traction for BDS. Israel has no obligation to foster or give a platform for BDS advocates, even if they are in Congress. Tlaib and Omar's support for BDS is Islamic anti-Semitic hate speech. By it, Tlaib and Omar demonstrate that they are bigots. It is useful for Trump to claim that their bigotry is comparable to his own, the false equivalence the GOP thrives on. The bigotry of all of them does make them unfit for office, but Trump's bigotry is obviously much more dangerous and deadly. Still, Israel doesn't need Tlaib and Omar stirring up anger; there is enough there already, largely paid for by Saudi Arabia. Truth is, Tlaib, Omar and Trump are all on the same side, being paid, directly and indirectly by Saudi Arabia. Tlaib's claim that she would support BDS against Saudi Arabia and Egypt (if such movements existed) is pure BS. And silly at that.


They should have been denied aid 70 years ago!


Israel decline aid? HAHAHAHA


It's the presidents job to defend and uphold the constitution, including the free speech of all citizens. He was wrong, Israel is wrong in my opinion but Trump was wrong legally.

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