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The Seedy Side of Sainthood: Was John Paul II Canonized Too Fast?

John Paul II does have the two miracles under his belt. The first involves a French nun with Parkinson’s disease who was miraculously cured of her symptoms after praying to John Paul II upon his death. The second was a Costa Rican woman whose brain aneurysm miraculously disappeared after praying to the dead pontiff upon his beatification.

PontifexMarximus 8 Aug 17

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Not sure we need bother too much about canonisation. Doubt we’ll get the opportunity to turn one down!

Especially since the abolition of the devil's advocate's been made redundant... Now he works for Trump


Miracle? Hah. Statistic probability. Over how many people does he pray? Add nuns. That are dying. That make a (always statistically)recover. It is better odds than the lottery and no saint of the lottery. AND politics- lots of politics.


Wonder how well documented the diagnoses were? I’d suspect the folks were misdiagnosed. The tiny percent of folks ‘miraculously’ cured of highly terminal cancer, etc, usually didn’t have it to start with.

The funny aspect is the bloody pope couldn't cure himself and his god did nothing to help him. Well … his god gave him a final promotion.
I still find it amazing that millions if not billions follow such bullshit.

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