Why does Trump lie that Rashida Tlaib hates all Jews? To stir up hate and violence. The truth is..... Rashida Tlaib just attended Shabbot Services after the cancellation of her trip to Israel. He is now the Liar-in-Chief. If you agree then you are cordially invited to join us at Jewish by Culture.
It's this stupid idea that constructive criticism is antisemitism.
Only when it is convenient for Trump and company to use it to stir up the Christian base. Several Jewish US Jewish organization have already said the same thing: criticizing the Jewish government actions is not anti-Semite.
@Barnie2years I guess these organisations are not making much of an impression but it's good to hear that they are trying.
Trump doesn’t do anything but lie! The best he can do is an occasional half truth, and even then he spins it in some way.