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And people wonder why most conservative don’t like Obama. Something to Never Forget 
While Major General Greene was buried, Barack Obama was golfing. 
This is a story about… The Vice President, Joe Biden, aMan named Harold, and a president named Barack.
It pretty much summarizes how Obama/Biden and most liberals view the US military:
Harold was a bright child.  He grew up in America.  He went to school and had a bright future ahead of him. 
Harold was full of life but was cut short in a violent moment. 
While few people had ever heard of Harold before his death, many did afterward 
And in death, something very shocking happened. 
What was so shocking, especially when it is compared to the death of someone else recently in the news?
Harold was Harold Greene, Major General, United States Army. 
On Aug. 5, 2014, Major General Greene was killed by a Taliban terrorist.
He was returned to America with full military honors.
It has been a tradition that the president attends the funeral of General and Flag officers killed in the line of duty.
Richard Nixon attended the funeral of a Major General Casey killed in Vietnam and George W. Bush
attended the funeral of Lieutenant General Timothy Maude, who was killed in the 9/11 attacks.
While Major General Greene was buried, Barack Obama was golfing. 
The Vice President wasn't there either.  Neither was the Secretary of Defense.
Flags were not even lowered half-mast.
Four days after Harold Greene gave his life for America, Michael Brown was killed in Ferguson, Missouri.
Brown was at best a young thug. In the minutes before his death, he committed a robbery at a local convenience store. 
According to other reports, Brown struck Officer Darren Wilson and shattered his orbital bone. 
Obama sent a three-person delegation to Brown's funeral!
Neither Obama nor Biden would attend the funeral of the highest ranking military officer killed in the line of duty since 9/11,
yet he sent a delegation to the funeral of a thug.
When Margaret Thatcher, one of America's staunchest allies and Ronald Reagan's partner in bringing down Soviet communism died,
Obama sent only a small low-level delegation to her funeral. 
The snub was not missed by the British.
When Chris Kyle, the most lethal American sniper in history was murdered, there was no expression of sympathy from the White House.
But when Whitney Houston died from drug overdose, the Obama/Biden administration ordered all flags be flown at half-mast.
There was no White House delegation at the funeral of an American hero. 
American heroes die and Obama goes to the golf course.
A thug dies and he gets a White House delegation.
No wonder most "REAL" Americans hold Obama in such contempt, especially members of our Military.
And Biden is now expounding on how great the Obama/Biden administration was.  Really?

Trajan61 8 Aug 21

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Everything you state is true


YouTrump defenders are pathetic.

Carin Level 8 Aug 22, 2019

You left wing idiots are downright crazy!

I suppose you didn't realize that anyone that doesn't lick Trump's boots is a "left wing idiot."


So this is all you got? Emotional masturbation? Trying to yank us till we cry.

What about the Gold-Star family trump mocked. The Gold-Star widow whom Trump told, "He knew what he was signing up for...?" Or the Go[d-Star widow whom Trump refused to send a letter of recognition when her husband was killed in a plain collapse over Mississippi... Oh, that last one... my sister. Our Congressman had to go to the wall to get that letter for my sister.

We live in an age where facts can be checked easily. Please keep your emotional masturbation to yourself, the way it was meant to be.


Christ is on the cross.
His blood is dripping.
Get another nail!
His head is slipping!


So, who was General Green? And why was he "important"? Was he a supernatural figure, like Jesus? And worthy of worship by the "masses". Remember, this is an AGNOSTIC site!

You liberals are worse than the religious nuts as you worship idiots like AOC, Rashida Talibe, Omar, Presley Al Sharpton and Obama.

@Trajan61 You sound confused? Why would Agnostics "worship" anyone? And why do you think all Agnostics are "liberals"?

@davknight Most of them as evidenced by this website are certainly liberals. And almost all of the liberals seems to want a big all powerful government to take care of them.

@Trajan61 You are correct, never do any of them ever state anything negative about the scum you mentioned or have the guts to criticize that moronic idiot AOC.

@Trajan61 hey douch, go answer benthovens question in this thread. But we know you won't, you're a hypocrite. Everything you claim you hate, Trump does it day in/day out. Go ahead answer his question, I DARE YOU.......but we know you won't unless it's a comment calling someone an idiot.....sad....covefefe


"And people wonder why most conservative don’t like Obama."

Everyone knows it has to do with race.

It has nothing to do with race but it definitely has something to do with his radical policies. However Obama was a racist SOB.

@Trajan61 "Obama was the racist!" -KKK

@AlPastor The KKK is definitely racist as is Black Lives Matters. Obama sure stirred up race relations when he took the side of the criminal thug Michael Brown at Ferguson and Treyvon Martin in Florida.

@TraKlan61 "Black Lives Matter is racist!" -KKK

@Trajan61 two miniorities in the Trayvon Martin incident. Where is the racism?


Faux news again wow

bobwjr Level 10 Aug 22, 2019

If I had posted a story as full of lies, as dishonest as this one, as full of bull shit, I would delete it. Why, for two reasons. First, because I don’t want to pass along lies. And, second, because I don’t want my name associated with spurious lies such as this.


This is the biggest piece of propagandistic tripe I have seen in a long time. It ranks with Trumps grossest lies. I am a liberal and I served my country in the US Army in Berlin at the height of the Cold War, and did so proudly. I am a patriot, and I do not buy one ounce of your hostile bull-shit. I support our troops when they serve our nation.

I respect our military leaders when they act with loyalty to our constitution and with honesty and courage in speaking truth to power. I am not one of those false patriots who chant "love it or leave it." I am more than willing to tell our leaders when our country is headed in the wrong direction as it sure as hell is now.


You wrote "Presidents attend the funeral". Sure. Was the Kenya- born scam a president?

zesty Level 7 Aug 21, 2019

Might want to check snopes


Sad but true... Obama is a sorry excuse for a human being.

The piece of garbage currently in the White House is not even an excuse of a human being. Obama had the intelligence and grace befitting the presidency. Trump's presence in the oval office humiliates the US.

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