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My latest journey has reached Italy, where I'm staying with my sister and brother-in-law.
Unfortunately, the car's brakes are noisy, so I'm not going anywhere until a Citroen garage has inspected them.
Unfortunately, again, the local Citroen garage is closed for August holidays. It reopens on Monday 26th, so I'll be there at the crack of breakfast.
Here's a shot of the tiny bedroom my sister has allocated me, along with two toilets, a bath, a spare bedroom, a kitchen and a lounge.
(It's quite a large house!)

Petter 9 Aug 22

Enjoy being online again!

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Have a great time


Oh, you lucky ducky. Where in Italy?

I'm in Lipomo, a suburb of Como, on the edge of the Alps and a stone's throw from Switzerland.

@Petter When I was 17 I spent a summer vacation at Lake Garda. It was magical. I so want to go back and have a look.

@Jolanta It is a lot more built-up these days, but the lake is still pleasant, with areas for swimming.
All the big lakes are surrounded by houses, streaming up the hill sides. They had become very "litter clogged", but now that there are heavy fines for dumping rubbish in them the clutter is clearing.
Once my car brakes are sorted out I'll be driving around and will post a few photos.

@Petter I am looking forward to the photos

@Jolanta So am I. It means I'm mobile again! 🤣😃



bobwjr Level 10 Aug 22, 2019

Very nice ! Enjoy


That doesn’t look too tiny to me! Why do you need two toilets? Or a spare bedroom for that matter. Enjoy the relaxation until you get the car fixed. Keep us posted.

@LetzGetReal True!

@LetzGetReal I’m actually green with envy...wish I had a relative who lived there! I’d be an almost permanent visitor.

It's actually a self-contained flat. Many years ago my brother-in-law purchased a small block of 4 flats, each with 2 bedrooms, 2 toilets, etc. He then converted them into a house for his family, but as each child left home, more and more space appeared. These days they keep one of the flats as a "guest wing" for visiting family. One daughter has a flat as her summer home, and two teenage grandchildren are living in another.
Suffice to say, I have a very comfortable time here !

@Petter sounds great...enjoy!

@Marionville I shall so do, thank you.

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