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Religion is an industry which is having analogy with the present day MNC's .......they're based on an idea of a problem solving product and religion is also the same (except for the thing that it 's gonna deal with the meeting of God with you)........religion is also having it's advertisements in the form of Bilble, Quran , Geeta or any other religious text......but now the marketing team of religion is creating a blunder by preferring "promotion by default" rather than " promotion by design".......and that's how we got an industry which made it to the good habit books of 5 year old one's .....

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yashku1 3 Aug 22

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Are you discussing actual books? I have never heard of the good habit books. Google wasn't helpful. Please explain.

Haha..🤣🤣.....I was talking about the books of kindergarten.....which tells about you have to wake up early....should eat healthy food....and yada yada stuff..... it's sometimes also talks about praying to the God.....referring to it as a good habit that everyone should embide in themselves.....which is completely biased...

@yashku1 I never experienced such books so I guess I have no opinion.

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