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As a former vegetarian (and still 95% of my diet is meat free) in the past, I have gotten into heated debates with some Christians about the concept of animals and heaven, thou shalt not kill, etc. What makes humans more deserving of an after life than all the other animals, even including bugs? How can you sit there and preach pro life but be totally fine with people killing animals? IMO, I think that other animals should be more deserving of a heaven than us humans lol, they're much more peaceful and just living out there and focusing on survival. Humans are terrible; we are destroying this planet, causing wars, and killing other people. Humans are not that special 😅 they're fooled and tricked. What are your thoughts?

vjohnson51 7 Aug 23

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I don't understand the purpose of discussing whether animals are just as worthy of heaven because it's not a real place.

That's like asking if humans should have as much right to fly as superheroes.

I used to be opposed to hunting, until I learned of its importance. More responsibility needs to lie with how farm raised animals are treated and slaughtered, as well as what meat is purchased and consumed.

Why are my vegan and vegetarian acquaintances always so tired?

I don't eat mammals; but I agree with you. We are meat eaters by nature and it is not wrong to eat meat. What is wrong is the way animals are treated prior to that and the harm that eating too much meat (especially beef) is doing to our planet. No one is going to convince enough humans to stop eating meat, but we can focus on making sure they are treated humanely.


Sometimes it feels good just to vent about frustrating conversations you've had with believers. I get it!


I've been there. 🙂


A lot of people actually think they are going to see their Deceased pets in heaven . This actually helps them in their grieving period .


"There will be microbes in heaven"..........hehe.


In the animal kingdom the fittest survive. There is a hierarchy. I am a poor practicing vegetarian. I eat little meat. I've chosen this because I love animals and know we (humans) do not humanely kill them for our food.I stopped long ago to make sense of those who are religious. The abortion debate makes no sense as religious individuals, mainly Christian don't care about the children once they are born, let alone another animal. Also, they are taught humans have dominion over other animals. They believe they come first and all other animals are below them.


I'm an atheist. Love my beef, pork, chicken and fish. My meal contributors go to heaven from my plate.

zesty Level 7 Aug 23, 2019
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