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I have a question which I find interesting:

Do any of you use humor to keep people at a bit of a distance (referring to possible dating interests).

I am pretty sure I do that, but maybe I’m just not well liked...

WizardBill 7 Mar 18

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Never! And anyone who says I do is a liar. A liar I tell ya!


Not humor as in jokes, I do make light of serious things, my biggest thing is to make myself seem undesirable,it is a low confidence thing, believing that women won't be interested anyway.
Which seems to be quite true, lots of female friends, lots ask me out, but never in any way romantic. I am visiting a girl this week that I worked with last year. She has come along to a few functions I have had to attend, she has invited me to lunch, coffee often. She is lovely, very nice, so much in common, but I am not attracted to her in that way. I feel she only wants friendship, everyone I know htinks she is interested in more, but there is no spark between us. So I will just keep acting dumb.


Idid and not intentionally. Iwent out with an australian chic and we would have made the perfect couple (as far as Icould tell)... my dumb ass was doing the australian accent and Isuppose it turned her off - 'can Icall you?'.. of course. never heard from her again... dammit!!!!!!!!!!!!


No quite the opposit


People say I do, but I'm fucking hilarious and most people just don't see that.

However I honestly do use humor to cover basically everything to the point I've been accused of being a drug seeker multiple times because even with my pain at a 9 I'm making jokes because I literally can't stop using it as a protective cover


some times. it can be distancing. Me, i know i am funny and no one likes me


I generally find humor attractive unless it's self-deprecating to the point that it's crystal clear the person displaying it has low self-esteem. Then it's a red flag.

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