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I always forget that some Christian sects rely almost entirely on the book of revelations as their primary source of theology and control, which to me seems spiritualy corupt, but seems effective in practice.

For those who are not aware or were not raised on religion, the book of revelations is a prophecy of the second coming of Jesus and the end of days. It has all sorts of crazy predictions that are supposed to be metaphorical. One of those predictions is the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse, who's arival is supposed to end most of humanity. They are conquest, famine, pestilence, and death.

Many Christians believe with much fervor that we are in the end days and have for centuries. However, we are in the most peaceful time in human history, a larger percentage of the population is obese than os starving, biotechnology will likely eliminate most disease and infections, and people are living longer than ever before.

The steady march of progress has all but eliminated the scourges of the human race, and if we extrapolate those concepts the heights the human race will achieve are yet untold, the trend is obvious and undeniable, but many would rather live in hopeful fear it all ends in fire and they get eternal reward from an entity they don't know for sure exists.

Meanwhile, their are actual developments in science and technology that could potentially allow human life to persist nearly indefinitely, or radically extend it, and many futurists think these capabilities are less than a century away. On cosmic timescales, we are in the home stretch.

Happy_Killbot 7 Aug 25

Enjoy being online again!

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I watched a documentary on BBC TV a few years ago about the book of revelations and the conclusion reached was that it was written by someone who had ingested some psychotropic substance, probably magic mushrooms. makes sense.


I love taking their comments apart historically, then shatter their use of language.
In the end, we are just a snapshot of history. Thousands of millions of humans have gone before us and many more thousands of millions will pass after us.
The end times will probably come when a bloody great big lump of space rock arrives suddenly at very high speed.


Well, if the end of the worlders and their greedy corporate counterparts don't render the planet unlivable, that is.

If anybody tells you the earth is going to be unlivable due to climate change, they are most likely just trying to sell you something. No scientists are claiming that this is the end of all life on earth, and I highly doubt that it's the end of human life in particular. The primary concern with climate change is that it will be an ecological disaster that will occur so fast that natural evolution will be unable to save all except the hardiest most adaptable wildlife.

But guess what? those same greedy corporations have the most at stake in the event of a climate catastrophe, and have the resources to make the changes necessary to maintain our personal standard of living. They just don't care about the natural world unless they can make money off of it.

@Happy_Killbot Oh, I think in a worst case scenario some life would continue on and probably even some humans (the Tardigrade would likely carry on as if nothing happened); but, I shudder to think of what kind of existence it could be if we don't start thinking about future generations and get our collective act together.

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