I do think Trumps base was a reaction to a black president, The fraud of the Iraq war was fertile ground for terrorism. The news said it was the axis of evil and to me to be a war about oil but disguised as war against extremist religion and terrorists. Even though the terrorist of 911 were Saudis.
Serpico pointed out corrupt cops decades before Obama.
We've all seen the movie; here's the truth from the mouth/pen of the real "Serpico"
We've all known the "mysterious and subversive" middle-eastern man...we just never knew they created an organization. Al Qaeda formed before 2000.
With Obama coming in to office, Black lives did finally seem to mattter...but one. look at average household incomes prove that the African American family has been struggling for equality for decades and this graph shows that Asian American families are doing far better than Anglo/Caucasoid Americans.)
Facism started to raise its' ugly head when we saw how easilty banks, and even GM, could be "rescued" by benevolent governments....like ours....who proved their support of Fascism decades ago...
Remember; many of our parents and grandparents who fought n the first and secod world war were. fighting European Fascism.
Your posts are always astute. Thanks for responding.
@bigpawbullets Thanks for weeding out the wheat from the chaff...this is clearly "fake news" from the people who allegedly abhor "fake news".