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Christian Identity Nativism/Dominionism And The Patriot Movement.

I recently found a great podcast called "Bundyville" that explores the cross-section of Christian Identity nativism that serves as justification for separatists, anti-government militias, and white-supremacists, aka: the Patriot movement in the United States.

The following link contains links to individual episodes to Seasons 1 & 2 of "Bundyville". I recommend listening to all of them for full context, most episodes are between 20 to 30 minutes, there are seven episodes per season, so it doesn't take long to get through the entire series.

Season 1 pretty much centers around the Cliven Bundy family, their affiliates, and their stand-offs against federal agents - as it relates to their perceived conflict of states rights from a frame of their Mormon values.

Season 2 "Bundyville: The Remnant" digs into the right-wing extremist history of Eastern Washington, Oregon, and Idaho. For anyone reading this from Washington State, Episodes 4, 5, & 6 (S2) explore a problematic state representative: Rep. Matt Shea of Spokane Valley (WA 4th LD). Those three episodes cover his radical ideologies and expose his writings on the “The Biblical Basis for War.”

For anyone trying to understand how Evangelical/Dominionist Christians can support the racism, misogyny, and human rights violations happening in America today - this series helps to connect those dots.


TroyBarber64 7 Aug 26

Enjoy being online again!

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Sounds worthwhile, OPB usually does good work. Those bundy freaks had camped out in Malheur County prior to me leaving Oregon, bringing their hate to my home state ..and getting away with it ~

I suspect their type stay as far from people as possible ...because they’d be held accountable for their actions if they didn’t. Well, it’s a good thing not much thrives in the desert areas they’ve turned into compounds of antisocial bigotry and hate..

Varn Level 8 Aug 26, 2019

Both seasons are worth listening to, it's some good journalism - they do the background coverage to help us understand how they got to their beliefs. If we have any hope of untangling this mess, we owe it to educate ourselves, IMO.


Thanks. I'll check that out.

I was born in Kanab, UT because my mother's family is from that area. I even had(have?) several distant relations from the Colorado City, Bundyville area.

Kanab and Fredonia, AZ were founded just a few miles across the state line from each other when UT was a state but AZ wasn't yet. It supposedly gave the residents a way too 'hide' their extra wives if the feds ever came looking.
I never heard any direct telling of that kind of event so the 'hiding' may be apocryphal. But I don't know of any other reason for the towns to be located where they are. Lol.

It's an interesting perspective in how the Mormons moved west, outside of the U.S. (as it existed then), only to be part of what became the United States - when one understands that history, along with subsequent events that shaped their views - it gives us a point of reference to hopefully correct for, in bringing them into the modern age (if that is possible).

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